Chapter 26

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Three days, it's been three days that I've been in this basement with no food, water, or even a sign of life other than mine.

Jasper tied my arms above my head with a chain that was connected to a metal pipe on the ceiling; so here I was just hanging. I'm sure by now my shoulders were dislocated.

The first and second day I could hear talking and foot steps above me but no one bothered to come down to feed me, give me anything to drink, or even let me use the restroom causing me to do it on myself.

You would think that I was scared or mad. Nah, I've been through this before. Well not the hanging from a pipe thing but back in the day "my pimp" would starve me for days at a time when I didn't listen.

I was more so mad at the fact that my brother hasn't found me yet; which meant Jaslyn scary ass didn't tell him what went down in the parking lot. Some best friend she was.

I begin to think about my baby and how I missed him so much. When I had my son I decided to give him up for adoption because I honestly didn't know who the father was. During these three days I caught myself thinking about him a lot to keep my nerves down.

Just then the door to the basement opened but I didn't bother to open my eyes. "Well well well, if it isn't Ms Susan" the voice chuckled.

My eyes immediately opened at the voice. "He let this bitch come do his dirty work?" I mumbled to myself. I was banking on Jasper coming here to kill me but instead he sent his bitch and her bitch ass friend.

She must've caught the look on my face. "Oh you thought Jas was gonna be here huh?" She asked giggling as she pulled a chair up to sit in front of me.

I wanted to get at her so bad but I didn't even have enough strength to even attempt to do that.

"See he wanted to kill you himself. That was before he knew what I was capable of doing for myself.  Thanks to my good sis right here" she said nodding towards the girl she was always with.

I just stared at her, if looks could kill she would be the one dead right now.

"Look Juri, someone's a little angry" she said pouting.

"I see. You thought you was gonna have the easy way out huh Kayak?" the Juri bitch asked as she pulled a chair up beside the other bitch.

I weakly cocked my head to the side; "just kill me already dumb bitch. That way I don't have to hear your annoying ass voice or see your ugly ass face."

They both twisted their lip up. "Uuugggglllyyyy" they said in unison.

"Bitch I couldn't be ugly on my worse day" Kiari said flipping her hair. "Besides ya nigga like it" she stuck her tongue out.

"Plus, you fucked with us for three months and you think 3 days is enough? Baby you're in for a rude awakening." her minion said as she exited the room.

All the while Kiari was eyeing me, studying every part of me. "The fuck you looking at?" I asked scrunching my face up.

"I'm trying to see what MY nigga seen in your bad body built ass." She said shrugging.

"This pussy, is what he saw. I had that man wrapped around my finger" I replied smirking weakly.

"That may have been the case, until you started fucking the whole Atlanta and had him thinking he was finna be a daddy. Let me ask you something." She leaned forward in her chair and propped her head up on her fist. "You had a nigga that was willing to give you the world and you threw it all away for a bum nigga that made you sale ya shit?"

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