Chapter 36

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Saturday, August 10, 2018


Jurianna's birthday was coming up on Monday so here I was with Luckie, Jas, & Jase planning a trip for all of us to go to Jamaica.

"So I found these bungalows in the middle of the ocean, shits is fye"

"Now you know my girl scary, plus she pregnant with my lil man. How we gonna get to the middle of the ocean nigga" Luckie asked as he rolled up a blunt.

Chuckling I said; "don't do my sis. Plus it's a bridge we walk on that'll lead us to the individual bungalows. Each of us get our own but we will meet up each day to do activities and shit"

They nodded. "I already called for the jet to be fueled and ready by tomorrow."

"Tttooommmmooorrrroooowwww" they all said in unison.

"Yes niggas tomorrow, her birthday Monday and we staying for a week. Y'all niggas ain't got shit to do anyways" I shrugged.

"Nigga I got a whole organization to run" Jase stated

"Did you forget about Koala and her Ratatouille looking ass brother? I gotta deal with that shit." Jas questioned

I looked to Luckie; "you got any concerns?"

"Nigga you my DJ where the hell I'm going without you?" He answered inhaling the smoke.

Nodding I broke it down for them; "Jase you got Malik that can handle shit until we touch back down, I already talked to him and Rakishi so they know what to do. Jas we already got a location on they asses so they can sit on ice until we get back. We all been hella stressed these last 5/6 months so we need to relax and enjoy the lives we living. Plus it's my fiancée birthday we gotta get turnt the fuck up"

"I can't turn shit up with a pregnant girlfriend, but I'm down with it" Luckie nodded.

I look towards Jas; "I'm down, I'm still slick in the dog house with Ri ass. Maybe this will help us get back to where we was. Shit I might even put a baby in her ass while we here" he shrugged.

"TMI nigga" Luckie mugged him.

We all laughed; I looked at Jase who seemed to be contemplating his options. "How you know I want that lil nigga running my shit."

"Cause he the only nigga you trust with ya life" Jas answered for me.

He shrugged; "I guess I'm down, shit I ain't been on a vacation in years. Plus Imani already thinking I'm cheating on her ass so why not take her out the country."

(Jase & Imani in MM)

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(Jase & Imani in MM)

"Bet so y'all niggas be at the Dekalb-Peachtree Airport by 10am, I wanna be in the air by 11am, it's about a 3hr flight."

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