Chapter 20

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Tango's Date Outfit


Today was Jurianna and I 6 year anniversary. I wanted to do something so special for her but I didn't know exactly what to do. This morning she left and went to Kiari house for breakfast or some shit so I had time to get some stuff together.

I decided to clean the entire house, run her a nice candle light bath, and cook her a nice dinner.  Afterwards I was thinking about us going to Jeju; this 24 hour spa I knew she would love.

I walked into the closet to find her something to wear. I found a nice outfit, laid it on the bed and went to start cleaning up. I connected my phone to the surround sound in our home and started with the kitchen.

I was done with the kitchen in 45 minutes because it wasn't that dirty, Juri had a habit of keeping it clean. I was now gonna start on the living room which wouldn't take long either since we rarely spent time in here.

Once I finished that I moved to our bedroom. While cleaning the bedroom I went ahead and ran her bath water. The bathroom stays clean so I didn't have to do anything in here but mop the floors.

30 minutes later I heard Juri walking through the front door. "Bbaabbyy, I'm hhoommee" she sang with her loud ass mouth.

Chuckling I walked into the living room to see her frozen in her steps. "What's up ma, why you looking like that?"

She had a confused look on her face "what did you do?"

Now I was the one looking confused, "what you mean?" I said scratching my head.

"What you do? You always clean the house when you done fucked up. So what you do" she said tilting her head to the side.

What the hell wrong wi- I know she didn't forget. I rubbed my hand down my face. "Jurianna what's today?"

"Friday, nigga why?" She said walking into the kitchen, rubbing one of her hands across the countertops.

Taking a deep breath I said "duh it's Friday bruh, what's the date?"

"Today is Jun- oh sshhiiiitttt" she said covering her mouth.

Shaking my head I just walked away and into our bedroom without a word. How the fuck could she forget our anniversary? I thought it was the nigga job to do that shit.

I laid across the bed and folded my arms across my eyes; trying to calm my nerves. This was the first time I ever wanted to put my hands on this girl so I had to go talk to God for a minute.

"Lord please don't let me kill this girl today. I been doing so good lately. Amen" I prayed as I felt the bed dip.

Juri started to kiss all over my face like I do her when she's mad at me. Still with my eyes covered I said "move shawty"

"Open your eyes" she said in a soft voice

"Na, give me a second. This the first time I ever wanted to slap the shit outta you" I replied in all seriousness

"Nigga open yo fucking eyes before I open them for you, stop playing with me" she said getting mad.

How the fuck she getting mad when she the one forgot about our shit. Taking a deep breath I opened my eyes to see her standing in front of me with three big ass gift bags and a stupid grin on her face.

"See look at you, you really thought I forgot?" she asked as she sat on my lap.

"Bruh you play to much" I said stale facing her.

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