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~This story was originally called Black Rose, I decided to change the name because I felt it didn't suite the storyline. Also took the story down for a while to catch up on writing the story.~

Some people at the age of nineteen would love to talk about their childhood. I, on the other hand, am not one of those people. My childhood wasn't the type you would want to live. I would say it was pleasant in the beginning, however, it all went down into a whole world of darkness after I turned ten.

I was the girl who always sat in the back of the class, got straight A's, and the girl nobody wanted to be friends with. I was judged by the way I dressed and judged because of my family.

I had one friend, and that's the only friend I need. Maria has been my friend since we moved next door to her when I was five. She never judges me for who I am or was, and she stayed by me since news spread about my family.

My father was blamed for something he didn't mean to do. It wasn't his fault that it happened, but in the wrong person's eyes they made him out like he was a murderer. My father died when I was ten years old. He had many health problems. My father was a preacher. That's why people judge me for the way I am. My father used to play piano at church. He loved writing his own pieces to play for everyone, as they arrived through the doors of the church. One night he was staying late working, he ended up passing out and next thing you know the church caught on fire.

Turns out my father didn't pass out, turn out he died in the fire. Nobody cared about his death, they only cared about the church burning down. Ever since I was known as the 'Preachers murderous daughter'.

In a small town like Maple Hill, everyone knew everyone and news travel fast. So when the church burned to the ground, word scattered quick. Almost the whole town turned against us, only our true friends stayed by our sides. It was hard for me and my mom. Shaliegh's family had us move into their home because they didn't want us suffering in our home where the memories lingered. The house we lived in was the church's home since my father passed away we could no longer live there. My mother was grateful that they let us move in with them, so we weren't on a time limit to get out.

My mother had work a lot more, so I hardly got to see her. My mother used to work at a small diner, but she got fired because people that worked there hated her for what my father was known for. They also believed that my father 'supposedly' burned the church down. So my mother had to find a new place to work, luckily Shaliegh's mother helped her find a waitress job at a restaurant. She didn't get paid much so she pulled doubles and filled in for people who called in.

The only time I actually got to spend time with her, is when we would go to church. My mother became really strict after my father passing. She barely let me leave the house. The only time I could leave is for school or to hang out with Maria. When we go out to buy clothes, she has to approve what I picked out.

My mother changed a lot, you can tell after so many years she still heartbroken after the events. After he left us, she has been so afraid that she's gonna lose me as well. That's why it's difficult for her to see me getting ready to leave for college. She is so proud of me but so blue at the same time.

I know it's hard for her to see me go, it's hard for me to leave her. When I was applying to colleges, I try to apply to the ones that aren't that far from home. Even though I hate leaving my mother, I'm so thrilled to go somewhere that nobody would know me as "Preachers Murderous Daughter."

It's close to the end of summer, and I'm finishing up packing. I'm leaving for college tomorrow. I'm nervous and excited for my new journey. One of the things I'm fortunate about is that Maria will be going to college not far from me, so I'll be able to see her every time we're both free.

As I tape up the final box, I hear a soft knock on the door. "Chloe." My mother says as she opens the door. "Yes." I turn to face her. "It's late, better go to bed since we have to get up early." She spoke with a weak smile with sadness showing in her eyes. "Okay, goodnight mom." I smile as I hug her. "Goodnight sweetie." She pats my back.

She closes the door, on her way out. I walk to my dresser to grab a baggy Shawn Mendes shirt and shorts before going to my bathroom to take a shower. After I was done I put my nightclothes on and brush my teeth before I head off to bed. The only thing that goes through my head is that tomorrow is the beginning of a new journey.


My alarm goes off waking me up from my peaceful sleep. I groan as I get out of my comfy bed and head into the bathroom to freshen up. After I change out of my nightclothes, brush my teeth and fix my hair; I start taking my boxes down the stairs. As I set the final box down by the stairs, I head into the kitchen to eat some breakfast.

"Are you ready to start loading up the car?" My mother asks me as she sees me washing my bowl. "Yeah," I answer while I place my bowl on the rack used to dry the dishes. I walk out of the kitchen, pick up a box and start following my mom to the car. We continue walking back and forth to the car until the final box was set in the car.

"Here we go." My mother smiles as we buckled up. "Time for the long car ride." She continued, while she pulls out the driveway. I look out the window, mentality saying goodbye to our house. As I watch the town pass by, I couldn't help but smile. I'm finally leaving this place, leaving all the negative energy. Saying goodbye to my living nightmare.

As we drive down the road that's leading the way out of this town and towards my new home, my mother talking about how crazy it's going to be for both of us living different lives. I barely listen to what she has to say. So many things going through my head, my nerves are having a party thinking about my new life. Things are going to be so different. I always dream about getting away from here, but now I'm slowly regretting this because what if things aren't what I been dreaming about?

"Mom, do you think I'm making the right decision?" I look over at her while she driving. "What do you mean sweetie?" She glances at me real quick. "Leaving this town and starting my life over away from here." I look out the window. "Sweetie, don't let your nerves get to you. I'm thrilled you're leaving this town. Leaving here is something I always wanted you to do. I hate that your going be far from home, but I know that your new journey is going to make you into a strong successful woman." She turns to smile at me.

She turns onto our exit which leads to my new life. I'm no longer gonna be constantly reminded about what my father supposedly did, or be called "Preachers Murderous Daughter." I get to become a new person. The person I always wanted to be and nothing going to stand in my way.

I'm finally getting to start over, I'm ending this story and starting my new story. This is my beginning.

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