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I haven't left my dorm at all today, I just lay in bed and listen to music. I made Ava bring me food during her first break hour. So now I'm finally packing some clothes and anything else I'll probably need on the trip. I have thought about just leaving before Liam got off work, but I do want to go on Conor's family trip.

    I decided to pack light since I know I have stuff at my mother's place. Liam never told me what time he got off, so I'm gonna take a shower just to kill more time. I grab a change of clothes, before walking into my bathroom. I set my phone on the sink after linking it to my speaker, so music fills the room.

    I stripped out of my clothes, set into the steamy shower, letting the hot water hit against my back to relax my muscles. I began to shampoo my hair as I sing along to one of my favorite songs. "I can fake a smile, I can force a laugh, I can dance and play the part, if that's what you ask, give you all I am."

    I close my eyes humming along, running my fingers through my hair as I lean my head back to rinse the shampoo out. "I can turn it on, be a good machine, I can hold the weight of worlds, if that's what you need, be your everything." I sing as I start massaging conditioner into my hair.

    I rinse it out as I hum along to the sound of the music. I grab my body wash putting on my rag before washing myself off. "Your words in my head, knives in my heart, you build me up and then I fall apart, cause I'm only human, yeah."

    I grab my shaving cream to prep my legs before shaving them since I decided that I was gonna wear shorts. "I can take so much, until I've had enough" I sing softly as I began to do what all of us girls hate to do. I hum along to the song so I don't cut myself like I did the last time I sang along to a song. I decided to shave my underarms as well since they were a little stumbly.

    I rinse off my body before turning off the water. I squeeze my hair before drying my face with the towel I had hanging over the shower curtain rail. I dry the rest of myself and wrapped the towel around me before stepping out of the tub. I grab my hairdryer, plug it into the wall so I can fully dry my hair. I put my undergarments on, my white t-shirt and black dolphin shorts on. Lastly, put my hair in a bun and finally step back into my room.

    "You know white shirts aren't good go-to shirts after taking showers." A familiar voice said out of nowhere, making me jump and grab my chest trying to calm my heart.

    "Oh my god, how did you get in?" I ask Liam as I try to calm my breath.

    "I let him in." Ava answer from her desk. I have never seen her actually do her school work, so this was shocking to me. "Also he right about the shirt thing." She adds when she looks in my direction.  

    I look down at my shirt and finally understand why they're saying that. You can see my light pink bra showing through my wet t-shirt. "Oh." Was all that came out of my mouth before rushing over to my dresser. I pulled out a pink shirt and rushed back to the bathroom to change.

    "You ready to go?" Liam asked when I walked back into the room.

    "Yeah," I answer as I grab my bag, start walking towards the door.

    "Wait, where are you two going?" Ava asked, causing us to stop.

    "Conor asked me to drop Chlo off at his place. His family going on a trip and he doesn't have the time to come here to get her after class." Liam answers before I could.

    "Oh, okay." She responds in a confused tone. "Well have fun." She adds before going back to doing her work. Why would he lie?

    "Are you coming?" He asks, looking back at me holding the door open. I don't say anything just nod my head and follow him out the door.


    I stay back watching Liam unlock the trunk of his car. He walks over to me and takes my bag. "Does your mom know you coming?" He asks me as he places my bag inside his trunk.

    "I haven't told her," I say quietly as I rub my arm, watching him shut his trunk door. I walk over to the passenger side as he opens the door for me.

    My eyes follow him as he shuts the passenger door and walks over to the driver's side. "Can I ask you something?" I ask when he closes his door after he got inside.

    Liam pulled out of his parking spot and drove off-campus. "Go ahead." He said in a weird tone like he was okay with it but also didn't want to be bothered.

    "Um, why did you lie to Ava about where we're going?" I ask nervously.

    "Less drama that way." He tells me. "Where are we headed?" He asks me.

    That's when I realize I never told him where I lived. "Oh, um." I nibble on my lip anxiously. "Maple Hill," I tell him.

    As soon as the words left my lips, Liam slams on his breaks and stares at me. "Where?!" He said in an astonishing tone.

    "W-wh-what?" I stutter, looking at him.

    "You live where?!" He asked in the same tone.

    I hear honking coming from behind us, which makes me more anxious. "L-Liam th-there people h-honking." I stutter even more. He shakes his head and begins to drive again.

    He takes a random turn, I look back over at him then back out the window confused why he going opposite from where we were going. "Liam, where are we going?"

    "A pit stop real quick." He tells me. I'm so confused about what's happening right now.


I know I said I'll update every week but I realize it takes me two weeks to write a chapter. So I'm gonna be updating every two weeks.

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