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 After mine and Maria's talk, we went on a walk to get coffee before I had to get ready for my classes. It's November which means a lot of studying, lots of exams to prepare for because soon we'll be hit with so many tests that are worth half of our grades. Maria promised me that today she'll be going back to school, even though she has been out of school for a while, she made sure to keep up with class assignments and watch live footage of her class lectures.

I'm sitting in Mr. Fuchs' class, typing on my laptop finally rewriting my Change paper that's due in a couple of weeks. "Hi beautiful," My stomach turns when the familiar voice that I haven't heard since the Halloween party. He hasn't been in class for a couple of days. I shift around in my seat when he sits down beside me. "Still ignore me?" He jokes, putting his arm on the back of my chair. "You have to talk to me someday, Chloe," His fingers find their way to my hair. A cold shiver goes down my back, I move my hair over my shoulder away from him. "Come on, Chloe. Talk to me." He turns his chair to face me.

"Conor, can't you get a hint. I don't want to talk to you, I don't want anything to do with you," I tell him, while I continue doing my work.

"Chloe, I'm sorry."

I finally look at him, already knowing he doesn't mean it. His eyes don't even scream it. "No, you're not. You can't be sorry when you never cared one bit about me. I was just a game to you, a game that you failed." I turn back to face my laptop, seeing Mr. Fuchs entering the classroom ready to start the lesson.


"Good evening class, please pull out a notebook or document on your laptops so we can discuss what I'll be reviewing and how we're going to be sharing your essay that I informed you on our first day." Mr. Fuchs begins the class.


"Come on, Chloe. You know what you said in there isn't true," Conor tells me while following out of the classroom.

I shake my head annoyed that he's trying to worm his way back into my life. "Conor, stop with the lies," I stop walking and look his way.

"Oh my god, I'm not lying to you!" He practically shouts.

"Yes, you are!" I raise my voice. "I'm not the same girl you met months ago, I'm not stupid."

He walks closer to me, "I'm telling the truth, I care about you, Chloe. I didn't mean to hurt you," He says in a softer tone.

I couldn't help but laugh, I looked away, shaking my head. "You're ridiculous." I look towards him again. "If you cared one bit about me, you would have noticed that I was upset the night I had dinner with your family. You would've followed me when I walked out of the house. If you cared about me, you would have never cheated on me, slept with other girls who weren't your girlfriend. If you cared about me, you wouldn't have ignored my texts, calls, and went out partying at a bond fire just to be caught by surprise. You didn't even want me to go on your family trip. Why was that? Oh, I know why because you wanted to be away from me and mess around without of town girls." I blew up on him. "I was so blind that I didn't even catch the signs. Heck, I even saw you making out with a chick at the bond fire! But I made myself believe it wasn't you." I stop to calm myself down. "Just leave me alone, Conor. I'm not playing your games. You're not going to get what you want from me because I am with Liam. A guy who actually cares about me." With that, I turned around and started walking away.


"You said that to him?!" Ava whispers shouts. After my event with Conor, I went straight to our school Library where Ava hides out to study every free time.

"Yeah," I chuckle softly. "I don't know where it all came from, I never acted that way before. Like just randomly go off on someone. I normally just ignore it and keep everything in," I explain while sketching doodles around my notes.

"You changed Chloe, even I can see that," Ava tells me. "You were this quiet girl, who stayed to herself and was so blind to see the world for how it really is. You saw this guy who looked and treated you so nicely and let him in just to hurt you. Even though everyone could see how Liam was so fondly into her," I couldn't help but blush when I hear Liam's name come up. "And I'm pretty sure Liam is a big reason for this new Chloe sitting across from me." She smiles at me.

"I didn't change that much," I say softly.

"Yeah, you're still innocent sweet Chloe who cares so much for the people around her but you're no longer clueless." I nod my head understanding where she is coming from. "Speaking of caring about people, have you heard from Maria?" She asks me.

"She texted me before I got here saying she made it back to campus in one piece," I tell her.

"That's good," Ava taps her highlighter against her notebook, "Makes me sick that the sleeds ball did that to her."

"Me too," Thinking about what happened to Maria makes me feel like a horrible best friend. I just want to do something but I know there's nothing.

Change (Published under The Change For Her)Where stories live. Discover now