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~I'm extremely iffy on this chapter, so please give me your honest opinion after you're done reading~

It was a long drive to Coner's parents' lake house, I ended up falling asleep on the way there. Liam pulled into gas stations every few hours to get snacks and drinks, also to use the restroom.

After our meal with my mother, we took her home and stayed a little longer before leaving. I cried a little while hugging her goodbye, even though I know I'll see her again soon. I just hate the fact of leaving her alone.

Liam and I didn't talk much since we left out a little after 6 pm. We stayed silent, listen to whatever song that played through the speakers. Liam did ask me if I wanted anything when he pulled into a gas station, I told him that I wanted a Starbucks mocha frappuccino. He'll come back with one and along with a bag of chips for me as well.

"Chlo," I hear someone say as they shake me. "Chlo, babe wake up. We're here." I flutter my eyes open, just to see that Liam was the one shaking me awake. I look out the window behind him, to see that it was pitch black outside.

"What time is it?" I groan out while stretching my arms out.

"It's midnight," Liam answers before exiting the vehicle. He makes his way towards my door and opens it. "Come on," He gestures for me to exit his mustang.

I let out a whine and curled up more into his leather seat. "Come on Chlo, you can fall asleep as soon as we get inside." Liam reaches towards me, takes my hands in his to pull me out of the passenger seat so I was standing in front of him.

When I looked up at Liam, I can tell how tired he was. There were bags under his eyes and there wasn't a spark in them that made his beautiful blue eyes shine. Which was one of the reasons why I loved his eyes, so it broke my heart a little to see him this tired.

Something in me took control of my hands making them reach up to his face and had me rub my thumbs under his tired eyes. I feel him jerk in shock of me touching him like this. I was shocked as well because I don't understand why I'm doing this. There was just this weird feeling in me that wanted me to do this. A feeling I never felt before.

Liam was staring into my eyes, they were back to being unreadable again. Which killed me because I really wanted to know what was going on in the back of his mind. He reached his left hand up to grab ahold of my right hand.

He just keeps his hand there, his eyes stayed glued to mine. New unusual fluttering emotions explode in me when Liam flick his eyes to my lips, reaching his free hand to rub the palm of his thumb along my bottom lip.

Liam began to slowly lean his head towards me but stops when our foreheads meet. "We should really get inside," He whispers to me. Before I could react, Liam laced our fingers together and pulled my hand off his face before leading me towards the house.

I look back towards his mustang, confused as to why he's not walking towards the trunk of it to grab our things."I'll get our things in the morning," He answers my thought. I turned my head to look up at Liam, to see him glancing down at me.

Turning my attention away from him, I looked around us trying to take in the scenery but it's so dark out to see anything.

Liam releases his hand from mine as soon as we walked up the staircase of the porch. "I honestly don't know where the guest room is located," He tells me as he unlocks the front door.

"Okay, so where would I be sleeping at?" I ask him quietly when I walked passed him to enter the house since he was holding the door open for me.

"Well," Liam began to say while shutting the door when he follows me inside. I hear a click signaling that he locked it. "I can show you to Conor's room, so you can sleep in there. If you would like, or you can sleep in my room so you don't wake him and can surprise him in the morning."

I can feel Liam's eyes on me, which causes me to look his way. He was patiently waiting for me to answer, there was something else in his eyes besides waiting for my response. Why does he have to be so hard to read?! It's so frustrating. I feel like he built a wall of bricks to block people from having access to the secrets they hide.

As I'm staring into his eyes, I remember he was waiting for my decision. Do I want to sleep in Conor's room? Conor my boyfriend. I shouldn't be debating between sleeping in his room or sleeping in another guy's room.

"Um," I start to say. "Your room will be fine for tonight," I tell him. I was too tired to see Conor tonight because I knew he'll ask questions and I'll prefer to answer them when I have energy.

Liam forms a soft smile and takes hold of my hand again, rubbing soft circles onto it with his thumb. "Okay," He quietly says before walking towards the staircase. Which makes me let out a whine. "What?" Liam asked raising an eyebrow at me.

"I'm too tired to climb up those stairs," I answer in a baby tone, sticking out my bottom lip. Liam's smile grew bigger as he watches me pout.

He pulls me towards him, uses his free hand to reach under my legs to cradle me in his arms. Which knocks my breath out of me due to shock. I immediately wrapped my arms around his neck, holding on for dear life. "L-Liam wh-what are y-you doing?" I stuttered out.

"I'm carrying the baby to bed," He laughs.

"I am not a baby," I say in a sleepy tone as my eyes start to shut, while my head lays against his shoulder.

"Whatever you say, baby," I can hear the smirk on his face when he said those words. I grumble nonsense to him, exhausted to think of a comeback to him. I snuggle into the crook of his neck before I knew it sleep took over.

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