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So far my first day wasn't as bad like I thought it would be. I'm now sitting in my last class of the day, 'Writing Workshop'. I decided to take this class because even though I'm studying to become a teacher, I always wanted to be an author. To create magical stories for people to fall in love with.

The classroom was hardly filled with students since it wasn't close to the time the class would start. Since I was waiting for it too occurred I decided to listen to music, while I write in my journal. This journal was my place to escape to. When my father died my counselor in Elementary school suggest that I should start writing how I felt, since I wouldn't open up to anyone.

I never showed people the things I wrote they were very personal to me, I felt like they'll judge me. I wrote everything in poetry because to me poems were secret codes, that only yourself knew how to decode. I was going through a dark time after he left, and every poem I wrote out was dark. Every time I open up the journal, I felt like each date kept going further and further away so to me it's a good sign.

The door to the classroom opens up, breaking me out of my own world. I see the room flood with people taking their seat. I pull my headphones out of my ears before placing them in the pocket of my bag. As I direct my attention back to my journal, I see the seat next to me be taken. "What are you writing?" The unknown voice asks me. "It's nothing," I tell the person while I shut my journal and place it in my bag.

"My name is Conor." He tells me, I turn to face him to discover he was smiling at me. "Chloe," I say softly. Here comes the shy, nervous Chloe. I can feel myself getting so anxious, I'm not used to people wanting to talk to me. Back at home, everyone would stay away from me, unless they're sending hateful actions my way. I turn in my seat, looking down at the blank sheet of my open notebook, that's waiting for me take notes.

"Are you okay, you seem nervous?" Conor asks from beside me, I guess me tapping my pencil made him realize I was nervous I gave myself away. "Um, yeah just the nervous first-day jitters," I tell him. "Ugh, I hate those." He laughs out, which causes me to let out a small laugh. "There we go, laughing help get rid of all those nerves." He tells me as he gives me a small nudge. I push back my bangs, before looking up at him to finally take in his appearance. He has long dark blonde hair, brown amazing eyes, and he has the most memorizing smile.

I look back down at my notebook as the professor starts speaking, I see Conor looking at me from the corner of my eye but I ignore his longing gaze.

"Today students, your first assignment will be to start writing about your hopes and dream. What you want to achieve in life and where you want to go with your future careers." I listen intently as I tap my foot on the ground still nervous. Conor's hand reaches over and lands on my shoulder giving it a slight squeeze, I jump slightly at the contact but keep my eyes glued to the board where the teacher is writing down the requirements for our writing project.

"This will be due next Friday, so I suggest you all start working on this now." I watch as students scramble to grab their computers to start writing. "Why are you taking this class?" I turn to look at Conor admiring his perfect smile, "I really wanna become a teacher, helping kids has always kind of been a passion for me." His dark brown eyes watch me seeming interested in every word I have to say.

This is the first time in a long time that someone has actually been interested in the things I enjoy or want to pursue in life, my mother never wanted me to leave home. And well my best friend just kind of worried about her own future and family.

"That seems very cool, I bet you'll be an amazing teacher one day Chloe." I smile softly at his words and nod. "Thank you, that means a lot." He smiles back softly and opens up his computer making a document and starts writing his paper.

About 20 minutes later the bell rings for the end of the class, I sigh happily and grab my bag throwing it over my shoulder. "Want get something to eat?" Conor asks me as we exit the room. "Sure, we just need to stop by my room first," I tell him. He nods his head, "Sounds like a plan." He chuckles as we make our way out of the building.

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