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Conor's eyes stayed on me, while I tug on the end of my left sweater sleeves. My right foot rubbed on top of my left. My eyes are trying to read him but failed to figure out if he's thrilled to have me here.

"Chloe!" A little girl's voice excitedly yells out, followed by a thud. I removed my eyes from Conor's just to see Selena smiling brightly at me.

I bend down to Selena's level to give her a hug. "Hi Selena," I greeted her. Selena giggles as I feel her arms wrap around me for a little bit.

"Bubby said you weren't coming," Selena pouts when she pulls away to look at me. I couldn't help letting out a small giggle at how adorable she looks.

"Guess your brother doesn't know everything," I tell her. I raise my head to look at Conor, only to see that an unreadable look still glued to his face. Right behind him stood Liam holding a coffee mug, leaning against the counter with that smirk plastered on his face. His mystery closed off eyes looking at me.

I avert my eyes back towards the precious little Selena standing in front of me. Her eyes are brown just like Conor's but lighter and bright. Conor's brown eyes are sorta dark and dull.

A stool scooted against the wooden floor, soon followed by footsteps walking away from us. My head turns to see who the corrupt is that's leaving the kitchen. My heart sank when my eyes saw that the person who's back towards me, leaving the area was Conor.

Why would he leave? He just got up and left without saying a word. Was I right about him not wanting me here? My eyes start to water, I bit the inside of my lip to hold the tears back.

I removed my hands from Selena and stood up. My attention went over to look at Liam, his jaw was clenched, his grip on his mug tightened. His eyes were glaring at the kitchen arch-way Conor walked passed not minutes ago.

"Chloe, sweetie take a seat. I'll fix you some breakfast," Kindra tells me. I look at her and where Liam glaring at. My mind debating if I should take Kindra offer or try to find Conor. "Don't worry about Conor, I'm sure he just went to the bathroom." She adds.

"Um," I rubbed my arm, thoughts keep swirling my head. They all consist of him. I should just grab my things and have Liam take me back to my mother or back to campus.

"Come on, Chloe. Sit next to me." I hear little Selena cheerful voice, along with little pats on a stool. I look down at her smiling face.

"Okay," I smile in return before taking a seat on the stool next to her.

"Alrighty, I'll make you an omelet. Liam, fix her cup of coffee." Kindra tells him before she goes back to cooking. Liam nods his head and turns around grabs a mug, starts pouring the hot liquid into it.

"Honey, can you fix me another one as well?" I hear Conor's dad ask her from where he was sitting.

Kindra smiles over at him, "I was already planning to dear," Ronald chuckles as he goes back to reading the newspaper.

I tune everyone out when Liam places the hot liquid in front of me. Taking a sip of it, I recognize the creamer he poured into the coffee. Southern Butter Pecan, my favorite.

My eyes flutter shut, I hum while the hot delicious sensation touches my taste-buds and warms my body. I hear a familiar soft chuckle catches my attention

Liam was watching me, the spark was back in his beautiful blue eyes. The mischievous smirk on his face turns into a real smile.

The smile wasn't big, it didn't show his teeth. The smile was small but cute. Can a guy have a cute smile? Is that weird?

I shake my head, felt my cheeks heat up and avert my attention back to the coffee that's in my hands. Lifting the mug back up to my lips, I let the hot creation enter my body again.

"Here you go, sweetie," Kindra says as she places a red plate, that's holding a beautiful omelet. I quietly tell her 'thank you' before she turns back around, to begin cooking Ronald another one.

I start eating the omelet, it was way more delicious than I suspect it to be. I let this omelet and the hot mug of coffee distract me from my thoughts. From the fact that it seems like my boyfriend doesn't want me here.

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