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Today has been amazing so far, I been in a great mood since I woke up. Which is weird since I haven't heard from Conor. It's been two days, is this normal for a relationship? To not speak for days?

"Chloe!" I hear someone shout behind me, causing me to stop and turn around, just to see Ava running towards me with a guy following behind her. "Chloe, hey." She pants out, trying to catch her breath.

"Hey," I laugh. "Is there a reason you were chasing me?"

"I was going to wait till after class but I saw you walking to class; so I figure now was a good time." She tells me.

I raise my brow at her then look between her and the mystery boy standing behind her. He has dark blonde hair, that's shaved on the sides but the middle long and gel back. He has random tattoos running up and down his arms. Even has a few on his hands. He was a decent size guy, he wasn't big but he wasn't skinny.

"Oh, this is Josh, my boyfriend." She finally introduces me to him. Boyfriend? I thought she was with Liam?

"Hi," I smile as I shake his hand.

"Nice to meet you." He smiles as he looks at me with his blue eyes.

"Anyways, back to what I was saying," Ava says. "Josh's band is playing tonight. Their performing at tonight's bonfire fest that the school has after the first few weeks of school, and your coming." She continued, as she links our arms together.

"Wait, what?" I question her, with confusion written all over my face.

"You heard me, and there no way you're talking yourself out of this." She unlinks her arm from mine when we get to my final class of the day.

"See you at our sweet!" She enthusiastically says as she skips off with Josh. I shake my head as I laugh walking into class. I look around the room hoping to see Conor sitting at our spot.

Disappointment takes over when I don't see him. I take my seat, pull my notebook out of my bag and flip to a fresh clean page for today's notes. "Hello Class," Mr. Fuchs greets us as he walks into the room.

A mix of groans and hellos fills the room in response. He sets his suitcase down on his desks before making his way to the board. "Okay. let's get down to business shall we." He announces to the class, while he starts writing on the board.

"We're gonna discuss change. In so many stories we watch characters go through so many journeys that create them into the person they become in the end." He starts to say.

"Some stories the good guy ends up not being who we thought he was. He made his image look one way but ends up failing and show his true colors." He adds.

"Other stories the bad guy ends up finding the light at the end of the tunnel, he ends being the better person." He continued

"Change can either go two ways. The road the person goes down can either split off to make them stronger and create them into a magnificent better person, or that road can split off into something dark and lead the person down dark horrible path."

My eyes move from the professor to the door as it opens. My heart pounds anticipations hoping Conor will be the person that walks through that door, sadly it sinks when a fella with short black hair walks in. "You're late Mr. Shelton," Fuchs tells the boy.

"I'm sorry, sir." He responds as he takes his seat. I lower my head scribbling in my notebook, depress about not seeing or hearing from Kings since his family dinner.

"Your assignment will be to write an essay about what change you into the person you are today. This will be due at the end of the grading period." He tells us. He continues telling us what he wants to see in our essay and what he doesn't. The class takes in and writes everything he mentions down so we won't forget.

"Okay, that'll be it for today. See you guys tomorrow, and on time." He looks at Shelton as he said the last part, causing us to laugh as we gather our things.

Now to go tell Ava I can't go to that party tonight. 

Change (Published under The Change For Her)Where stories live. Discover now