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After finishing our meals at Waffle House, Liam rushed us to leave immediately because according to him we were on a time limit. "Why did we come back here?" I asked Liam when we exited his Mustang. We're back at Target even though it's after 9 pm and it closes at ten.

    Liam walks over to my side and laces his fingers through mine. He ignores my question and guides me through the almost empty parking lot to enter the building. "Attention all customers the store closes in thirty minutes." The person's muffled voice said through the intercom.

    "Come on, we need to hurry," Liam tells me as he tugs my arm.

    "Liam, will you please answer my question." I couldn't help but smile when I look over at him. He has the most adorable kid-like smile on his face.

    "I will." Liam pulls me again, " Now come on." He starts running to the back of the store. I laugh at his childlike behavior, which makes him laugh with me.

    When we get to the back of the store, Liam drags me up and down random aisles until he finally comes to a stop at one that has big boxes on the bottom shelf. I stand back and watch him move them around.

    "What are you doing?" I chuckle at him while raising a brow.

    "We're staying here overnight," Liam states as he turns to face me, holding his hand out for me to take.

    I take a step back, my eyes widen at what he said. "We're what?!" I say in a shocked confused tone. He can't be serious? We can't stay here overnight. We could get into serious trouble, like getting arrested.

    Liam lowers his head, chuckles at my reaction before looking back at me as he bites his bottom lip. "Come on, Chlo." He looks me in the eyes with humor in his.

    "Are you crazy, Liam? We can get in serious trouble." I tell him while crossing my arms over my chest.

    Liam gets off the shelf and walks over to me. He places his hands onto my shoulders. I look into his beautiful blue eyes, that I didn't realize I liked so much until now. "We're not going to get caught, Chlo." He runs his hands down my arms, uncross them and holds my hands. "If we do, I'll make sure all the blame on me and you're set free." He smiles warmly at me.

    "Attention customers, ten minutes until the store is closed. Please check out and leave." The person muffled voice said into the intercom.

    Liam starts walking backward, pulling me with him. "Now come on, we don't have much time." He tells me.

    Liam let's go of my hands as he moves aside to let me hide before him. I avert my eyes down at our hiding place and back towards him. Debating if I should do this or leave. I never had any excitement in my life, I always stayed to myself and hardly left the house.

    I bite my bottom lip and look around us before settling my eyes back on his. "Okay." I finally say to Liam before walking over to him and climbing onto the bottom shelf to hide behind the boxes.


    I pull out my phone just to see it's after ten, which means the store we're hiding in is officially closed. I place my phone and my hands on my lap, looking up to see Liam staring at me with a mischievous smile along with his now unreadable eyes. I squirm under his stare, nervous about what he has ticking in his head.

    "Um, now what?" I ask, removing my eyes off him to look down at my lap while fiddling with my phone.

    "Now, we just sit here and wait till they open in the morning." He tells me as he rests his arms on his knees.

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