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I release my hand from Liam's, I hear Conor move closer towards us. "Chloe, can we please talk?" I hear ask from behind me.

I look down at my feet debating if I tell him no again, or finally hear him out. I can't hold off forever, even though he did ignore me for almost a week. "Chlo," Liam says beside me, causing me to look up at him. "Do you want me to stay?" He asks while looking at me with that unreadable look again.

I bit the inside of my lip, not knowing what to do at this time. I look behind me to see Conor waiting for an answer, just like Liam is from beside me. "No, go." I finally say, which causes Conor to lower his head and start to walk away. "Not you Conor," I tell him. I turn my attention to Liam. "You go, Liam," I say as I look him in the eye. "I'll be fine " I add, so he won't feel like I'm being rude.

I stand there, watching Liam shake his head and walk away. While I feel Conor's eyes on me. "So." I hear him say awkwardly after he cleared his throat. "You want to stay here and talk or go somewhere more private?" He asks me. I turn around so I'm able to look at him before I start contemplating which choice would be better.

I examined our surrounding there sweaty bodies dancing, loud music, plastic cups all over the place. "Somewhere more private," I answer him. He nods his head while reaching his hand out for me to take. I place my hand in his, letting him laced our fingers together. Part of me missed the way our hands fit together but for some reason, a small part of me feels it doesn't seem right at all.

He walks us through the crowd, I already know how Ava gonna react when she discovers I ditch the party to be with Conor. 

When we finally get to the parking lot, he leads me to his car, which I still don't know the name of. He holds the door open for me, I tell him thank you as I get in. He doesn't say a word, just shuts the door before making his way to the driver seat.

I know I mention my father was a car fan, but I still barely know anything about vehicles. The only reason I knew the name of Liam's, was because Mustangs are my favorite since my father used to own one.

Awkwardness filled the vehicle when Conor set down in the driver seat. He doesn't say a word, he just starts up the engine and begins to drive out of the parking lot. The silent makes me uncomfortable, I want to turn on the radio so music fills the car but I decide against it.

I try to distract myself by staring out the window. Street lights shining against the dark street. I lay my head against the glass, looking at where the night light shines on Conor's red vehicle. "What's the name of your car?" I randomly ask him.

"What?" I hear him say in a confused tone.

"What type of car is this?" I reword my question as I look at him.

     "Oh, um." He glances at me, before directing his attention back towards the road. "It's a Mercedes amg gt." He answers as he turns down a street.

    "Nice," I say as I turn my attention back to looking out the window. I'm not used to this awkward silence between us. Back home I'm used to this vibe, but here in this car with Conor. We used to joke around, talk, well be ourselves.

    "Conor, where are you taking me?" I ask him, while my eyes still watching the street lights come and go as we drive past them.

    "Somewhere private." He simply answers. I wish I had a magical wand, like Harry Potter to make this tension disappear.


    "We're here." He breaks the silence, as he puts his car in park. I look around us and see that we were indeed alone, at the park he brought me to when we first met.

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