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~ Decided to be nice and share extra chapter this weekend, enjoy💞. Please vote and tell me what you think of the story so far.~

    When we got back to the dorm, no one was here which means more time to figure out what to say to Maria. So I decided to unwind, take a quick shower put on comfy loungewear for the rest of the day since I don't have any more classes for the day. I see Liam flipping through one of my books as I'm walking out of the bathroom towel drying my hair. "What are you reading?" I asked him since I couldn't really see the cover.

    "One of your poetry books, why do you highlight some of them?" He questions.

    I toss my towel in my laundry basket before going to lay by his side. "I like highlighting poems that really touch and can strongly relate to," I answer while laying my head against his shoulder. I push his hand gently just to see he's looking through my favorite poet and favorite poetry series, Pillow Thoughts. 

    Liam moves his arm to wrap around me so I'm practically laying on his chest. "Which one is your favorite?"

    "Page 46," I tell him.

    He flips through the pages until he finds the highlighted poem. "It will catch you off guard one day. You'll be so surprised by it you may even lose your concentration. One moment you are living idly by and the next they are on your mind nearly every moment. You'll lose sleep over the next time you'll hear their voice. You might even find yourself daydreaming about a future together. One day you are ordering coffee every morning and the next you can't even order coffee without thinking about ordering theirs too," He reads out loud while his callus fingers run gently over my shoulder. I read that poem over a hundred times but hearing him read it makes it sound more magical to me.

    I remember the day I highlighted that poem. It was the night after I got back from the horrible trip with Conor's family. The poem really hit me because that night all I could think about was Liam. The piece even made me realize that he has always been on my mind. Somehow he got himself glued there because no matter what I think of him wherever I go.

    "Do you still write?" He randomly asks me.

    "Um, yeah. Why?" I trace my finger along the black ink on his arm. Sometimes I forget he's covered in tattoos, it's like my mind believes he was born and naturally born with them. My favorite one happens to be the one I'm tracing, an acoustic guitar turned into a tree. It's so unique and beautiful. I wish to see the rest of his ink but his body is still a mystery to me.

    "Can I read one? I haven't read anything since that one you wrote after you had dinner with Conor's family."

    I cautiously sit up and reach for my journal sitting on my nightstand. Fiddling with the strap that's keeping it sealed shut, debating if I should or not. No one ever reads my work, I always keep them to myself besides the one Liam has read. I trust Liam, I know he would never judge me. I open the journal, flipping through each sheet before finding one that I have written recently and hand it to him.

He reads the poem to himself while I continue tracing the permanent ink, calming my nerves as he reads the pink ink on the white page. Liam has been my natural drug to keep my nerves under control, just being near him, hearing the sound of his voice keeps me from falling.  "Babe, you're so talented," Liam breaks my trance. He closes the book, leans across me to set it back down on my nightstand.

"Thank you," I softly say when his eyes lock onto mine. His hand cups my cheek gently rubs his thumb along my cheekbone causing my eyes to flutter close. Liam's lips connect to mine and slowly move our lips together, sending electricity through my body. My hand runs up his arm, finding its home on the back of Liam's neck running my fingers through his hair. He groans against my lips when I gently tug on his hair causing my heart to explode.

Liam's body magically hovers over me, one leg in between mine. He has one hand laying by my head to keep himself from crushing me, while the other is holding my hip, his thumb creating circles onto my bare skin causing a burning sensation through my veins. My free hand runs up his torso until it lands on his chest, feeling his heart beating insanely fast like mine. It warms me knowing that I'm the cause of that. I can't help but smile into our make-out session, I feel Liam slowly match the smile on my face. This feeling is so addicting, I don't ever want it to end. I can taste the mint from the gum he was chewing before we got here.

I let out a small whimper when Liam breaks the kiss, resting his head against mine still smiling while his blue eyes stare into my hazel eyes. His hand moves slowly up my waist, sending more sparks through me as it goes up to caress my heated red cheeks. Our breathing heavy but slowly going normal as we stay in our trance. I feel so alive, there are no words that can describe the way Liam makes me feel. "Chlo-"

"Oh my god, my eyes!" Ava shouts breaking us out of our little world, "There's a thing in college called putting a fucking sock on the nob to warn the roommate." My face turns bright red as I try to use Liam to hide.

"Ava, you know damn well by how much clothing we're wearing that we are not having sex," Liam states as he sits up on the bed and throws a pillow at her.

Ava holds her stomach as she laughs, "I know but look how red sweet Chloe is," She points towards me making me use my hands to cover my face as I groan. Liam chuckles grab my hands to pull me into a sit-up position and guides me to sit on his lap. "Anyways," She walks over to our mini-fridge and grabs a blue Gatorade. "Have you talked to Maria?"
She looks over at me while she takes a drink.

"No, I came here in hope to speak to her but that didn't happen."

"Yeah, I can tell," She wiggles her eyebrows. I hide my face in the crook of Liam's neck, only just to have the both of them laugh. "I tried texting her after our talk but she hasn't responded."

I turn my face towards her with concern written all over my face. "Where would she be? She only knows us."

Liam clears his throat, "Drew?" Right, forgot about him. "Don't you have his number, Ava?" He questions.

"No, but I'm sure Josh does," She pulls out her phone and starts texting away.

"What exactly are we going to do? If she is with him, wouldn't it be weird to just show up at his place?"
Ava looks up at me, "Yeah," She pauses for a second, "I can casually text him asking what he's doing and if he's doing something that involves a group event we can go," She suggests.

"Or we can wait to see if she comes back here tonight and if not you two can go look like crazy stalker friends," Liam tells us.

"Yeah, or we can do that." Ava looks at me like it's my decision.

"Um, guess the second choice the best."

"Okay, well I order pizza and we can have a movie marathon as we wait for little Ms. Maria to show." Ava types in a number and orders us 2 large pepperoni pizza and a 2 little of Pepsi while I go through our movies to pick what type of marathon we're going to have.


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