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"Hey beautiful," Liam comes up behind me placing a kiss on my cheek.

    I let out a small giggle and turn to face him, "What are you doing here?" I question him while looking around the daycare where little kids are off in their own world playing.

    "Just wanted to drop by to see how you are," He tells me while walking around the table I'm setting up with coloring pages and crayons. "And I wanted to know when you get off." 

    I sort the coloring pages into their rightful category. Disney, Thanksgiving, Vehicles, Animals, so be easy for the little ones to find what they want to color. "I'm good, and I get off in about two hours, why?" I glance up at him.

    "I want to take you somewhere and talk."

    "Is it serious?" A nervous knot forms in the pit of my stomach and so many scenarios play through my head of what could go down. Is he going to break up with me? We just got together, does he regret being with me? Chloe, calm down. Breathe, take a deep breath. That's what I do, I breathe in and let it all out to calm my crazy nerves.

    Liam's hand lays on top of mine, "It's not what you think it is, I can tell you're assuming the worst, Love." I look over to see him softly smiling at me causing my face to heat up. "I just wanted to discuss Thanksgiving break with you."

    I walk over to the next table to set it up just like the previous one. "What about it?" I glance behind me to see Liam walking over with the bucket of crayons.

"Just wanted to know your plans." He shrugs his shoulders.

"Well, of course, I'll be spending it with my mom," I tell him while sorting the coloring pages out.

"I figured that, but I was hoping that maybe during the break we can visit Trish, have dinner with her?" He suggests. "It was actually her idea."

I watch from the corner of my eye, Liam getting flustered while fiddling with a crayon. I softly smile thinking about the idea of having Thanksgiving with him, I thought about inviting him to my mother's but I figured he would be spending it with his family here. "I would love that." I bite the inside of my lip before letting the next few words flow from between my lips, "Does that mean you want to spend Thanksgiving with my mother and me?"

A big smile forms on his now blushing face, "Is that an invitation?"

"I guess so," I laugh softly.

"Then I guess you should tell your mother that she should suspect an extra guest," He winks at me.

      "I'll make sure to send her a text that I'm bringing Chris Evans to dinner," I joke.

    Liam laughs while walking over to stand behind me. "I can't wait to mean the amazing Captain America," He kisses my cheek, "I'll pick you up after work. Bye, beautiful."

Please vote and comment how you feel about the chapter, also who's happy that Liam and Chloe are together?💞

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