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Today has been a slow and dull day, I guess it was because I been so out of it. Ever since last night, I haven't been my full self. I haven't even heard from Conor, he wasn't even in class today.

So on my walk back to my dorm, all I can think about is my father, the trip, my mother and Conor. Why hasn't he answer my messages or called me?

When I get to my door I sigh in relief because I finally get to wallow in my bed. Ava text me earlier saying she would be out all night, so I would be able to wallow in peace.

I shut and locked the door behind me, before hanging up my jacket, along with my bag. I slipped off my shoes before making my way to my closet. I grabbed a pair of my sweat pants and a baggy t-shirt out of my dresser. I was about to take my top off until I saw a figure laying on my bed when my eyes glance at my mirror.

"Oh my god!" I pull my top down and place a hand on my chest to attempt to calm my heart. "What are you doing here?" I ask the boy. "You know I didn't know you were so dark, Chloe," Liam tells me, it was then I realize he had my journal in his hands.

I rush over to him and snatch it away. I look at the page he was on, as I walk to put it inside of the first drawer of my desk. He was reading the poem I wrote last night. "Okay, first how did you find my journal? And second, please tell me that's the only poem you read," I groan the last part, as I rub my face and sit down at my desk.

"I found it on your desk open, and I only read that one." He answers, which makes me sigh in relief. "Thank god," I breathe out. I prop my feet onto my chair, wrapping my arms around my legs so I can lay my head onto my knees. "If you're here waiting for Ava, she out for the night. If your here to mess with me, I'm not in the mood. So please go." I tell him, not bothering to look at him.

He doesn't say a word, but I hear him get up off my bed. I see his shadow figure coming closer towards me. I feel a knot form in my stomach. Part of me hoping he leaving. Another part of me anxious that he just gonna mess with me.

'Please leave, please leave,' I say in my head. Eyes closed, biting inside of my lip. A new feeling takes place and that's when I knew he was right in front of me.

"Chlo," He said softly before caressing my cheek. "What's wrong?" Liam asks. I stay silent. He removes his hand, but I feel him take my hand. "Is it the same thing as last night?" He asks as he traces shapes on the back of my hand.

I open my eyes to see him sitting on the floor in front of me. Looking down fiddling with my fingers. He looks up to see me watching him, his eyes meet mine. They're still hard to read but I can see a little bit of concern in them.

Relief washes through me, as Liam gets up. He finally realizes I'm not gonna open up to him. "Come on," He tells me as he pulls me up out of my seat.

"Wait, what?" I said in a confused tone, raising my brow at him. "Put your shoes on." He dodged my question, while he hands them to me. "But why?" I question. "Just do it." He demands. 'Bossy much.' I say in my head.

I slip on my shoes and take my jacket from him to put on. He grabs my hand and drags me out of my dorm. "Liam, where are you taking me?" I ask him as we walk down the hall. He doesn't answer and continues walking.

"I'm taking you somewhere," He finally answers when we get to his car. I'm pretty sure it's a mustang if I remember correctly. My dad was a sports car fan. He opens the car door for me, but I stand there looking at him. Debating if I should get in or turn around to go wallow in my bed as I planned. "I'm not gonna murder you, Chlo. Get in." He chuckles. I let out a breath and get inside. I look around admiring the interior, it's much cleaner in here than Conor's vehicle.

Liam slides into his driver seat and turns his engine on. When I hear the roar as he presses down on the gas pedal, that's when I knew I was right about what type of car this is. Music starts playing through the speakers, I recognize it was Blink-182. He rolls down the windows before pulling out of the parking lot.


We have been driving down the road for what seems like hours. Neither of us has said a word. We just sat there, listening to the music filling the vehicle. Him driving and I just watch the scenery pass by.

He turns into an abandoned parking lot. Shutting the car off, after he parked. I got out and looked around questioning, why he brought me to a run-down building. "Come on," He tells me as he takes my hand. "Liam, why are we here?" I ask him. He ignores me again and pulls me along until we were in the alley behind the building.

He lets go of my hand, "Start climbing." He directs my attention to the rusty ladder. "Are you crazy?" I look at him with wide eyes. "I'll be behind you, go on." He smiles in amusement.

I roll my eyes and cross my arms, making it obvious that's not gonna happen. He shakes his head, laughing a little as he scratches the back of his neck. "Come on, Chlo." He chuckles. He uncrosses my arms and pulls me closer to him. Turns me facing the rusty ladder. "There no way, I'm climbing that thing. It could break and lead me to my death." I tell as I try backing away but just gets me closer to his chest.

"It's safe Chlo. I wouldn't try to get you to climb it if the ladder wasn't safe." He reassures me. He grabs both my wrists, in each hand. Placing my hands on one of the rusty bars. "I promise, you won't get hurt." He lowly said in my ear.

I look up then back at my hands. I close my eyes, as I place a foot on the ladder. Liam removes his hands from me, as I finally start climbing up. After climbing so far, I look down to see Liam below me. I look back up continued climbing once I reach the top of the building. I took a deep breath, before climbing over the small ledge of the roof.

I stood still, wondering why he brought me here. "Are you going move, so I climb over?" Liam asks behind me, causing me to jump. I walk away, giving him room. "Why are we here?" I ask without looking at him. He places a hand on my lower back, guiding me away from the ledge.

He drops his hand and sits down on a concrete stomp. "This is my favorite spot." He tells me. "You and I are just alike." He looks up at me before looking ahead again. "You're not the only one with dark mystery background, Chlo."

"What you talking about?" I ask as I sit beside him. He looks back at me, fiddling with his lip ring. "I know something bothering you Chlo," He tells me. "I have feeling it has something to do with September 7th, and it's something dark because of the recent poem you wrote." He adds.

I look away, lowering my head so I was looking at my lap. "You don't have to tell me." He grabs my hand, and lace our fingers together. "But I'm here for you, I know you barely know me, so you don't trust me." He takes his other hand to lift my head, to look at him again. "You can trust me, and until you believe you can, I'll still be here for you." He continued.

I close my eyes, as I feel tears build up. "Why are you telling me this?" I quietly ask. He removes his hand, causing me to open my eyes to look at him. He was no longer looking at me, he was now eyeing the sunset.

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