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~I'm not sure how I feel about this chapter, so please tell me at the end what you think of it.~

"Hey, sweetie," My mother says on the other line.

"Hi, mom," I responded while putting her on speakerphone so I could continue packing.

"When are you coming down?" She asks me.

"Um, hopefully sometime this evening. Liam at work, he said he'll come to get me and we'll head that way as soon as he gets off," I tell her while folding clothing I believe I'll need.

"So Liam is coming along," I can hear the smirk in her voice.

I bite back the smile before responding, "Yeah, is that okay?"

"Yes, it's totally okay. I like Liam, he's a good guy and I know he will always treat you right." She tells me. "Have you heard from Maria?"

"She texted me this morning confirming that she's driving back today as well." One of the many things that I love is that Maria and her family spend the holidays with us. It became our holiday traditions after Maria and I became close friends, always spending practically every waking moment together.

"Okay, I'll see you and Liam when you two get here or in the morning if you guys arrive late."

"Alright, bye mom. Love you."

"Bye sweetie, love you too."

I hang up the call and go enter the bathroom to gather my essentials. Soon I'll be packing up my dorm before the term is over which is in a couple of weeks. My attention turns towards the door when I hear someone knocking on it before entering the room. "Hey," I smile when I see that it's Liam. "You're off early," I say while he walks up towards me.

Liam wraps his arms around my waist, smiling while softly kissing my lips. "I managed to escape early," He kisses me again. "Are you ready to go?" He removes his arms off me and walks over to my bed where my bags are located.

"Yeah, let's get going," I grab my jacket and purse before following Liam out the door.


"I forgot to mention something," Liam tells me when we exit the building. My eyes scan the parking lot until they land on his mustang, just to see a guy with shaggy short caramel hair. "We have a hitchhiker joining us for the ride." I look towards Liam raising my brow, extremely confused about what's going on. "Maria told me that you wouldn't mind if we drive Drew to your place, so he can spend Thanksgiving with her."
So the guy leaning against the vehicle is the mystery Drew that Maria has been talking to. I nod my head, not saying a word and walk over to the guy."Hi, you must be the lovely Chloe, Maria talks about," He smiles at me while reaching his hand out for me to shake.

Drew was very tall like Liam, muscular like he plays some type of sport. Since he's wearing a jacket, I can't tell if he's covered in ink like Liam is. "Hi," I say softly while shaking his hand.

I feel Liam hand on my lower back causing me to look up at him, "Enough small talk, let's get on the road," Liam clicks a button on his keychain to pop open the trunk. "Drew, you're sitting in the back." Drew groans, opens the passenger door to climb into the back seat. I couldn't help but laugh at him struggling. He pulls the seat back for me to sit down.

"So Drew, where are you going be staying?" I ask him.

"Maria told me that I could stay at your place until she gets there," He tells me. I pull out my phone, click on Maria's name and start texting her.

'When were you going to inform me of the details about Drew?' I sent her, before locking my phone.

"Here," Liam said while handing me his phone, I look down to see it on the playlist I recognize from the night he took me home from the Halloween Party. I scroll through the songs, smiling softly to myself realizing 'her' is me. I click on Bad Things by Machine Gun Kelly and Camila Cabello, seconds later the song starts playing through the speakers.

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