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"Welcome to your first college party!" Ava announces as we walk towards the big crowd that's around the huge fire pit that's in the middle of the field. I hear Ava giggle beside me, probably because my eyes are about to pop out of my eyes and my mouth is open to where a fly can flow in.

"This is a horrible idea," I tell her as I back away, looking at the people in front of me dancing along to the music blaring from the speakers setting on back of trucks; as they drink out of red cups. That most likely filled with alcohols.

I feel a pair of hands be placed on my shoulders as I walk back into them. "Sorry, shortcakes but you're staying and gonna have the time of your life," Josh tells me as he starts walking me towards the party.

"I seriously think I should go back to our dorm." I look at Ava, biting inside of my lip. Hoping she'll finally give in. Sadly she doesn't, she gives me a smirk and continues walking towards the party.

I throw my head back against Josh's chest, letting out a groan. "Chloe, it's not gonna kill you to have a little fun in your life." Ava laughs as she walks backward looking at me.

Josh pushes me forward, making me walk towards the irritating girl, making me be here tonight and not letting me stay in our dorm to work on my essay.

"Come on," Ava tells me as she loops her arm around mine. "Let's get drinks, while Josh helps his band set up." She pulls me in the opposite direction of Josh. She removes her arm from mine and grabs my hand, so it's easier to weave ourselves through the crowd.

She moves fast causing me to bump into people, telling them sorry and receiving glares; Which makes me feel sick to my stomach. When Ava finally stops in front of the table that's filled with drinks, I look around and stop at someone who seems oddly familiar.

I couldn't see his face, but I have a strange feeling that the guy was Conor. Part of me sincerely hopes it's not because the guy is having a heated make-out session with some girl.

A bump to my side causes me to break my trance, to see Ava standing by me with two red cups in her hands. "What you looking at?" She asks as she hands me my drink.

"Nothing." I quickly answer before taking a drink of the mysterious liquid in my cup. Surprisingly it doesn't taste bad; it had a fruity taste to it.

"Careful, the sweet ones gets to you faster." She laughs as she watches me take a second sip of it.

I nod my head as I swallow the delicious sensation down. "When does Josh's band start?" I ask her, as I look back at the direction the familiar guy was. Disappointment flows through me when they're not standing there anymore.

"Any minute now, we should start making our way towards the stage." She tells me as she takes another sip of her drink. "Come," She nods her head towards the direction, I'm assuming the stage is set up.

She grabs my hand again, so we wouldn't get separated as we make our way through the crowd. I try my best not to bump into anyone, and keep my drink from spilling.

Everyone around us was dancing and drinking; I'm not used to this type of scenery. I have never been to parties, nor have I ever drank. I didn't bother declining this mystery drink Ava made me because I wanted to experience things I wasn't able to do in when I was in high school.

I know what you're probably thinking, 'Don't drink what someone gives you.' You see, I trust Ava enough that she wouldn't poison my drink.

"Shit." I hear from behind me, right as my drink falls from out of my hand.

"Crap." Slips out of my lip. I look from behind me to see the one person; I thought I saw by the drank table.

"Chloe?" He questions when he sees me. I look towards Ava when I feel her pulling me. I pull her back, trying to get her attention.

"Chloe, what are you-" She stops when she sees the person causing me to stay put. "Oh." She said in an annoyed tone. "Conor."

"Ava." He said in the same tone as her. Before putting his attention back on me. "What you doing here, Chloe?" He asks in an unreadable tone.

"I'm here to listen to Ava's boyfriend band," I answer in a monotone way. I do not want to be here in front of him right now. I thought I would be happy to see him, but I'm not. I'm so ticked off and upset that he been fine. That he was having a great time, was able to come and see me or pick up his phone to talk to me.

From the looks of it right now he been out partying and hanging out with his friends. "Can we talk?" He asks as he scratches the back of his neck.

I look back at Ava who looks like she about to pounce the boy, then back at him. "No," I answered sternly. "I'm hanging out with Ava. Afterward, we can," I tell him. If he can go days without talking to me, then he can wait longer. Before he's able to respond, I turn and start walking away.


"I seriously wasn't suspecting to see you blow him off like that." Ava laughs out when we got to the stage.

"Honestly, neither did I," I tell her. "I thought I would be happy to see Conor, but seeing him here having a blast just made me so angry." I continued.

" If I were in your position with Josh, I would of pour my drink all over him and knee him where the sun doesn't shine." She laughs softly before taking a sip of her drink.

"I'm too soft to do that." I chuckle while shaking my head.

"I know." She smiles as she throws her arm over my shoulders. "That's why you have me." She chirped.

"So, what kind of music is Josh's band gonna be playing?" I ask her while we're waiting for them to come on stage.

"They play alternative rock." She answers. "They're mainly going to do covers tonight." She adds.

"Why's that?"

"They're not fully ready to play some of their original songs yet." I nod my head in response, not knowing what to say.

We turn our attention towards the stage as we hear the crowd cheer. "What's up, everybody!" Josh yells into the microphone.

Making us cheer louder. "We are Poison Eclipse, and we're gonna rock this bonfire tonight!" After he yells into the mike, the drummer starts banging onto his drums, causing everyone to scream.

"Let's go!" He screams, and the whole band starts playing. The crowd begins jumping, dancing along to the beat of the music. Josh starts singing as the sound got softer. I look over at Ava see her all happy, with love eyes as she watches him perform.

When it hits the chorus I finally recognize the song and start singing along. Ava throws her arm over my shoulder, start swaying side to side as we sing. After the song ends, they automatically start the next one causing me to freak, which makes Ava start laughing.

"We're going at it tonight tonight; there's a party on the rooftop top of the world!" Ava and I start screaming out the chorus, along with the crowd.

"Tonight tonight and we're dancing on the edge of the Hollywood sign!" I sing out as I stumble into someone while I dance around, "Sorry." I say as I turn to the person. Only to see the boy I been hanging around lately.

"Well, hello to you too." He laughs out, causing my cheeks to heat up. "I would never suspect you as a party girl, Chlo."

"There a lot you don't know about me, Liam." I shot back, which makes him bite his lower lip.

"Want to get a drink?" He leans down and whispers in my ear. I nod my head then turn to tell Ava; I'll be right back.

Liam grabs my hand and starts guiding me through the crowd.

I don't know what it is, but for some reason, I'm bolder tonight. Must be the alcohol running through me.


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