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Thanksgiving dinner went smoothly, after we all got done eating our meals, everyone went into the living room to play a few games and watched a movie afterwards Drew went with Maria and her parents when they left. Liam and I watched one more movie with my mother before we finally decided to crash.

It's the next day, Liam and I on our way to spend the day with his adopted mom. The idea makes me anxious since this will be my official 'meeting the mom,' dinner. Even though I met her before but this time she's going to be getting to know me. My leg is bouncing up and down, as my nerves play around on a jungle gym.

Liam's hand finds its way on my thigh, starts rubbing circles calmly with his thumb. "Breath, it's not like you're meeting her for the first time," He tells me.

"That was different, this time she's actually going to be getting to know me."

He laces our fingers together, brings my hand up to his lips, pressing a soft kiss on the back of my hand. "She's going to adore you, Chlo. Stop stressing."

I smile softly, put my attention on my window as my face slowly starts to heat up.

Liam turns down a road, entering a small neighborhood. The houses are nothing like the ones where Liam's uncle lives, but they're still beautiful. They remind me of small little farmhouses that grandparents would live in. Liam pulls into a driveway that was by a beautiful painted white house, with a large brown porch lined with plants, wooden walking chairs, a porch swing. I can already tell this was Trish's house. Liam gets out of the vehicle and comes to open my door.

When I took a hold of his hand, got out the vehicle my attention went to the run-down house next door. It looks like no one ever took care of it and just let it slowly fall apart. That's when I remember the time Liam told me about his actual mother and that Trish was his mother's neighbor. Liam tugs on my arm gently and begins guiding me to Trish's front door. Before I turned my attention to where we were going, I realized that there's a moving van in his mother's driveway. I wonder if Liam noticed or if he's ignoring the area altogether, so far I haven't seen him look that direction.

"Oh, Liam you're here," Trish's voice finally brought my attention to where it belongs. I watch her engulf Liam into a hug, I smile at how happy she is to see him. "And you brought Chloe," She removes her arms from him and hugged me.

"I told you that I would," Liam tells her.

"Chloe, how are you?" She ignores Liam's comment.

"I'm good, it's nice to see you again Trish," I say kindly.

"It's lovely to see you again as well, I was sure Liam would keep you hidden from me," She playfully glares at him, making me laugh.

"Why am I getting the feeling that you only invited me to have dinner with you, just to get Chloe here," Liam comments.

"Oh hush," Trish says to him while wrapping her arm around me. "Now let's go inside, I made a delicious meal for the two of you." She guides me inside her beautiful home, Liam following right behind us.

The smell of fresh apple pie fills my nose, causing my mouth to become watery and my taste buds began dancing. "Is that apple pie I smell?" I ask her with gleam shining in my eyes.

"Yes, it is," She said proudly. "Liam favorite, I always make it for him whenever he comes to visit." I look over at him to his face slightly pink, he looks so bashful even though he looks like a baddie.

"I love homemade apple pie," I tell Trish when I look back over at her.

"That's good to hear, do you mind helping me in the kitchen?"

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