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"I'm not wearing that," I tell Ava as she rummages through her closet trying to find me something to wear to the bonfire.

    "Come on, Chloe." She groans out, "You need to wear something." She continued.

    "I told you that I wasn't going." I lay back on my bed, to resume re-reading Twilight.

    "And I told you that you're not getting out of this." She fires back. I rolled my eyes in response, knowing she can't see since I'm hiding my face with my book.

     I continued to read, ignoring her going on and on about how amazing bonfire going to be as she searches through her clothes. "Hey!" I say as clothes land on top of my precious book. 

    "Get dress!" She demands, "Afterwards, I'll do your hair and makeup." She adds before she turns back around.

    I groan, before placing my book down and grabbing the clothes to head towards the bathroom. I give up on fighting this because she's obviously not gonna give in and let me stay in for tonight.

    I shut the bathroom door, and start changing into the outfit Ava picked out. Which was a pair of black shorts that are ripped up a little, along with a red long sleeve crop top. I brushed out my hair so it won't be too knotted for Ava since she insists to do my hair.

    "Hey Ava, I been meaning to ask you something," I tell her when I walk back into our room.

    "What is it?" She asks without looking at me as she slips on her top. She wearing a similar outfit as me, black shorts instead of them being ripped up, they are studded on the sides. Her top is a long sleeve crop top but it's white.

    "Earlier today, you told me that one boy Josh was your boyfriend," I tell her, as I was her pull her desk chair out and instruct me to sit down. So I do.

"Yes, what about him?" She questions while she messes with my hair.

"I thought you were with Liam?" I ask her which causes her to burst out laughing.  "What's so funny?" I turn to face her, with a confused look.

She took a deep breath to calm herself. "Liam and I aren't together, nor have we ever been. We're just good friends." She answers.

"Oh." Was all that comes out of my mouth, as I turn back around. "Sorry." I quietly say.

She starts brushing out my hair and starts parting it into sections. "How are things with you and Conor? Is he meeting you at the bonfire? She asks me.

I fiddle with the threads on my shorts, debating if I should lie and say things are great, or tell her the truth. I nibble on my bottom lip as I go back and forth. She obviously gonna know something up, when she noticed that he doesn't show up. "Honestly, I don't know what going on between us," I answer her.

"What you mean? I thought things were going good?" She questions as she starts curling my hair.

"I thought so too, but he vanish after I had dinner with his family. It's been two days, I haven't seen or heard from him since." I tell her.

Silence takes over, as she continues curling my hair in sections. "Maybe, he busy or something going on with his family." She tries to reassure me.

"I don't know, I feel like something not right," I say. "This is my first relationship, so this might be a normal thing," I add.

I hear her groan behind me, which makes me become anxious. "Chloe." She says after she takes a deep breath and moves to sit in front of me. "I know you believe Conor a good guy, and I'm not gonna talk you out of being with him because you feel like he amazing guy." She pauses for a second. "I don't trust him, he acts innocent and sweet but he, not Chloe. For as long as I have known Conor he has never stayed with a girl longer than a week or until he gets what he wants. I'm not surprised he avoiding you, and I believe you should hunt him down and figure out why he treating you this way." She tells me.

I look down, tugging on my sleeve. I don't know what to say, how to feel, or what to think. I do believe something not right but I truly honestly believe Conor, not the guy she made him out to be.

"Just think about what I said, and I'm here for you whatever you decide to do." She smiles as she goes back to fix me up. "Let's finish you up, so we'll be ready when Josh gets here." I can hear the smile on her face, which makes me giggle. Conor never gives me that effect when I think about him.

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