New home

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When i got downstairs with my stuff I waited at the doorway.
I heard the lady say "come in Xavier"
I went in and saw Mr. Lockwood looking at me with a big wide smile he had perfect teeth

"You are free to take Off you'll all done" she said as she smiles at me.

I smiled back. I noticed mr. Lockwood closely at my smile.

Me and mr. Lockwood went out of the building to his car and I got in the back seat

We got in the car him in the drivers seat and he started his car. He drove a blue suv or some sort

"So bud just call me Mason" he said

"Nice to meet you Mason I'm Xavier" I said shyly

We drove off and soon got to a house and pulled in the driveway.
"Is that your house?" I said

"Yep I got it from my parents since they passed a few years back" Mason said

"So sorry for your losses Mason" I said

"It's okay why don't we go in" he said as we pulled in the garage and got out of the car and stepped in the small room called the mud room where we took our shoes off.

Mason carries my bags in for me. He opened another door that lead to the kitchen. He sat my bag down in there. From there I spotted there living room and stairs and a computer room. I went upstairs and Mason followed I opened a door and saw a nice looking room.

"Omg" I say

Mason stood behind me. "This is your room bud"

The room was blue and white. A full size bed with blue comforter and pillows. A desk with a laptop. A black dresser and a closet with white sliding doors. I stepped toward the desk

"Is this mine" I say

"Yes bud that's where you will do homeschool"
Mason says
"Cool" then Mason taps on my shoulder and hands me a white box with a phone on it
It was a iPhone 6s. I opened the box and sat on the bed and looked at the phone

"I already set it up so it's ready for you" mason says

"Woah" I mention

I stand up and finish exploring the upstairs

Mason went downstairs and started to cook dinner.
I went back to the room and downloaded some music and games.
Twenty min later passed

"Xavier dinner" Mason called from the kitchen

I went downstairs and sat at the table.
He made chicken dumplings.
I took a bite and moaned because it was so good.

"Your a good cook Mason" I said

"Thank you" He said

I took a few more bites when I said "where do u work"
"Um  I am a dental assistant training to be a qualified dentist" he said

"Your a dental assistant that's nice..." I say as my voice got quieter as I did not like the dentist that much.

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