Chapter 13- Public school

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Today is my first day of public school and I am not looking forward to it. It was 6:45 and my alarm just went off school starts at 8:15 as informed by my father.

I roll out of bed after hitting the snooze button a few times. I went to my wardrobe and grab a blue polo and school pants. Unfortunately we have to wear polos and school pants because we have a school uniform which I know will get on my nerves.

I went to the bathroom, took a shower and put my clothes on I brushed and flossed my teeth then smiled in the mirror. I am an average looking kid you will see all the time not that impressive.

I head downstairs and see dad looking all professional in his tucked in buttoned up shirt jeans and a blue tie. 

"Good morning Xavier" my dad said cheerfully

"Morning" I mumble getting into the cabinet and grabbing a breakfast bar. Then a small glass of orange juice.

I eat my breakfast bar and sip some orange juice

OOPS.... don't drink orange juice when you just brushed your teeth.

I spit it out. Dad looked at me confused.

"What happened?" He questioned

"I just brushed my teeth and I drank orange juice it's not a good combo" I say now chuckling

He chuckled.

15 min later I grabbed my book bag, lunch money, put in my shoes and headed to the garage and hopped in dads car and waited for him to come out.

He came out soon and locked the house up. He got in and buckled in.

"So are you ready for your first day?" Dad said now pulling out of the driveway and soon enough we were driving in the direction of my new school.

We got to the school and dad dropped me off. I went inside the doors where the others were going in through. I slowly made my way to the office and asked "Hello, my name is Xavier Lockwood and I am a new student where do I get my schedule, locker and that stuff?" I asked the nice secretary

"Oh yes sweetie here it is it has all your information on it" she said now handing me the paper with the information and schedule on it.

My locker number was 100 which was in the first floor in the north wing. I got to my locker and put a few things in it and looked at my schedule. First I had homeroom with Mr. Taylor his room was on the 2nd floor.

This school and 3 floors in total. I headed to Mr. Taylor's room I sat in a desk in the back as I was a very shy person.

In homeroom I had to introduce myself which I stuttered a lot but so far Mr. Taylor was one of my favorite teachers.

Next was English with Mrs. lee. I sat in the back once again then I was made to introduce myself yet again. Then I was giving a workbook and a textbook.

Next was Math with Mr. Stevens he was one of my least favorite teachers. I got my first homework assignment which I wasn't expecting as it was my first day.

Next was lunch my lunch was okay but I was still a little upset I got homework. I finished my lunch then proceeded to my last two classes of the day which included Social studies and Science.

I did the same thing as in the other classes and given a textbook and workbook. Soon the day was over and I was able to go home. My dad picked me up from school  and he asked "how was your first day?"

"It was okay" I say as I got in the car buckled up and set my bag down. We got home 5 min later and I went up to my room and started my homework. It was easy because I learned this before so the homework was not that bad.

I wonder what tomorrow will bring?..

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