An average day

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I woke up to the sun shining through the blinds. I rubbed my eyes and groaned then finally rolled out of bed. 
I stretched as I got out bed.

I waddled to my dresser and got a change of clothes. Then went to the bathroom and took a shower.

I then jumped out of the shower and got dressed and brushed my teeth.
Then headed downstairs.

My dad was sipping his coffee then he noticed me walking down the stairs

"Morning" He says and smiles up at me

"So I'm nervous for Friday" I say

"It's going to be fine" dad walks over to me and hugs me.

"Is it really necessary" I whine

"I'm sorry but if these don't come out soon you'll be in a lot of pain" dad says stroking my hair

"I don't want to be in pain" I whine

"Well then it's your best choice" he says while checking his watch

"Shit I gotta go" Mason says as he quickly gets up gets his shoes on and jacket then leaves the house and goes to work

I sighed and grabbed a breakfast bar then went up to my room and started my schoolwork.

Homeschooling was easy. Then I had to go outside for exercise which I rode my bike.

After my bike ride I went back home then decided to go back to my room and watched stranger things.

I guess I fell asleep because I felt my dad shaking my shoulder.

"Huh" I say in a sleepy way

"You fell asleep" mason chuckles

"Oh what time is it?" I say while grabbing my phone and checking the time

5:45 pm

"Did you make dinner dad" I say

"I brought home takeout" he says

"Oh" I say as I climb out of bed

I head downstairs to find the take out food which was Chinese food one of my favorites.
I grabbed some of the food and put it on a plate then sat down at the table and started enjoying it.

Dad came in and joined me. "Tommorow is Thursday right?" I questioned

"Yes" Dad said

"Well... since I'm going under do I have to not eat for a certain period of time?" I asked

"Yes and no. You can eat something small in the morning. You can drink water normally as you do" Dad said while eating his egg roll

*The next day*

I woke up to the sun shining throughout my blinds.
"Stupid sun" I groan as I turn away not facing my window
I fall asleep for another 15 minutes to my dad shaking my shoulder.

"What is it?" I mumble into my pillow

"I gotta go to work see you later love you" my dad said as he exited my room closing my door.

I manage to roll out of bed 10 min later. I proceeded to the bathroom where I took a shower and brushed and floss my teeth.

While I was brushing my teeth I remembered what tommorow was...

My wisdom teeth removal...removed by my own dad.. I'm in for a surprise and something tells me I'm gonna be a asshole and be in a lot of pain...great

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