Chapter 20- cavity and wisdom teeth consult

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well it's Friday.. and I have to get my little cavity filled.. and I hate needles and drills they send shivers down my spine..

My mom awoke me I was all comfortable in my bed but she shakes me to wake me up.

"Time to get up sweetie" she says quietly

"Do I have too?" I mumble sleepily

"Unfortunately Dr. Lockwood is expected ya at 10" she said

"Today is the day? What about school?" I say and sit up in bed and rub my eyes.

"You can do your homeschooling after the appointment" she says

Yes I was homeschooled my mom is a real estate agent but she used to be a former teacher.

I climb out of my warm comfy bed then made my bed as I do that everyday.. it's part of my morning routine

I checked my phone and it's 9 am. I live 10 minutes away from the office. That means I only have 30 minutes to get ready and I have to shower.. I really wanted to enjoy my shower.

I go to my wardrobe grabbed some capris and one of my short sleeve flannel shirts. I head to the bathroom and start the shower where I lathered myself in sweet smelling body wash and washes my hair..

I get out of the shower and get changed and brushed my teeth really good and floss and finally use mouth wash. I smiled in the mirror, my teeth were a bit crooked but I don't want braces and that's my final answer..

I head downstairs to my mom making something. "What you making mom?" I ask as I took a seat at the breakfast bar.

"Prepping dinner as I have to work soon. I won't be able to stay for you appointment" mom said

I smirked as I was gonna skip the appointment

"And... I'm gonna make sure you get called in to see the doctor so you can't skip" mom said

I sighed. As I couldn't skip you know how dentists can be with getting their job done even if they have to strap me down.. that's what my former dentist did.. did unnecessary treatment and ripped off my mom. Good thing that dentist isn't around anymore and I see Dr. Lockwood one of the cutest dentists and youngest dentists out there..

A little bit later we got int he car and mom drove to the office. I was checked in and she waited till I was called back.

Dr. Lockwood called my name and I stood up and walked up to him. My mom explained she had to go to work which Mason said it was fine..

Me and the doctor get in the exam room
And I didn't want to sit in the chair so I stood in the corner.. Mason stares and smiles at me.
"Come on it won't be that bad" he said and patted on the chair.

"Can't we just lie to my mom and say I got it done because I don't want to do it" I whined.

"Seriously don't make me get Lou" he says and starts to prep.

Oh god.. not him 2 men against one small girl they are stronger than me. Ima so screwed. I managed to get by the door and open it but Lou  opened it just when I was about to.  "You need me?" Lou said

"Yea" mason said

I stomp my foot down and stand in the corner again. "I will tell Xavier your scared of me" mason says

"Please don't" I whine

"Sit down then" he says giving me a look

"What if I don't" I snap

"Me and Lou will restrain you then" he threatens.

Oh no.. the memories begin flooding my head again..

I slowly start to come forward and slowly sit in the chair. "Just as I thought" Dr. Lockwood said

I was about to smack him I swear. But if I did he might not let me see Xavier again. Lou sat in the assistant chair.

They both apply gloves and a mask. Mason puts on his head lamp glasses which made him look silly. I giggled a bit as i was reclined back.

"Can I have some nitrous Oxide?" I say

"Of course if it will help calm you down" he said

Lou grabs the gas knob and put it on my nose. I felt calmer all of a sudden it felt good.. i was like in a fantasy world.

Mason grabbed his mirror and explorer. "Open"

I opened and he started examining the tooth then sets the tools down and gets a q- tip with pink jelly on it.

"What is that?" I ask

"Oh it's to help numb your mouth so you won't feel the needle as much" mason says

I reopened and let him put the jelly on my gum underneath where the cavity was.

"It's going to tingly" Mason said

I nodded my head. Then a pinch went into my gum which was the needle. It was not as bad as I thought it will be

"Give a thumbs up when your numb" mason said

A minute later I was numb and gave a thumbs up. "You ready to go?" Mason said

I nodded then I heard him pick up something then I heard it the deathly drill.. it sent vibrations through my mouth as he drilled the tooth luckily there was no pain! Then Lou used the suction to help clear up the dust. Soon it was over as it was a small cavity then he filled it and dried it then he polished it then grabbed the mirror and explorer and examined it.

"It's all good you did a great job, Skylar" mason said

The chair was put back to its normal state and mason took off his gloves and mask.

"So about my wisdom teeth removal when is it going to be?" I ask

"Well I was thinking Monday 10 am" mason said

I gulped. "Does it have to be Monday?

"Well I have a busy week and it's the only time I have to do it Unfortunately" mason said

I sighed. "Did you already talk to my mom about it?"

"Yes last night" he said now cleaning up the exam room.

"Can I go now?" I say

"Of course, I'll see you Monday then have a wonderful day Skylar" he said as I get up and exit the exam room, through reception and out of the office and I proceeded home. Yea it was bit of a far walk but I can manage it.

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