Chapter 22- zoo day with dad

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The next day. I didn't go to school in a while and I'm going back to homeschool I hated public school and always will.

I sighed got up and went to the bathroom took a shower and got ready for the day I head downstairs to see dad cooking something.

"What you making?" I ask dad

"Bacon and eggs" he said

"But is bacon unhealthy?" I ask taking a seat at the kitchen island

"No not really just don't cook it too long" dad said and handed me a plate a breakfast.

"Where's the toast?" I questioned

"I made English muffins" he said and handed me one

"I don't like English muffins.." I say

"Well, sorry about that I forgot you don't like English muffins" he said then took it off my plate.

I began eating my breakfast. "So Xavier, want to have a father son day I have the day off" dad said looking at me. He was now eating his breakfast too.

"Yea that sounds fun" I say getting excited because father, son days are the best.

"Where do you wanna go?" Dad asks

"Maybe to the zoo we haven't been there in a while" I say

"Yea I love the zoo they recently updated it and it's even bigger!" Dad said

I finished my breakfast put my plate in the sink and rinsed it off. Then went upstairs and got my bag and put my sunscreen, sunglasses, and my phone charger. Knowing my dad and I, we can spend all day at the zoo.

I got my most comfy shoes on. Then me and dad were off to the zoo. Which was around a half hour drive. We personally don't have a zoo in our little town but the city 20 minutes away from us does have the zoo we always go to. It's a pretty large zoo. Including a newly updated aquarium, reptile house, and many other neat things.

We drive off to the zoo and jam out to music in the car. We paid for parking then went to park our car. We parked then walked to the main entrance where we bought our tickets. I was a small kid so I was able to be on my dads shoulders sometimes when he allows me to do it which is not all the time sadly.

We head to see the African animals first which was quite a sight to see. We took quite a few pictures. Then we saw the wolves, I love wolves they are one of me and dads favorite animals.

Then we went to see the other animals and crossed a bridge to the other side of the zoo. Then we had a lunch break. My dad packed us lunch as you know all the food they serve at the zoo was considered unhealthy. We eat our sandwiches and waters. We chatted a bit about life then we went to explore this side of the zoo.

We then saw the updated aquarium, reptile house and other places. I was able to hold a snake. I actually love snakes but spiders are a big Noo for me I will scream like a little girl if I see one.

A few hours later it started getting cloudy and it looked like it was going to rain. So we proceeded to the exit. I pointed to a gift shop.

Dad sighed and we went in. I saw many cool things and I spotted so much candy. I walked up to it and pointed to it. Dad shook his head no. "But dad I know your a dentist but you don't have to do this to me.." I whined

Other kids looked at my dad. I chuckled. Dad sighed in an annoyed manner and gave me 5 bucks. I was able to get a few pieces of candy.

Later on we went home and I about crashed I was so tired. But dad wouldn't let me go to bed till I brushed my teeth.  Ohh a typical dentist..

After I did that I finally was free to go to bed. Tomorrow I might hang with Skylar I don't know.

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