wisdom teeth removal

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I woke up to tapping on my shoulder I rolled over to see my dad all dressed in scrubs smiling down at me.

"What is it?" I mumble

"Big day" dad said

Oh shit I'm not that happy it has to get done so let's get it done.

I rolled out of bed and walked to my wardrobe and grabbed a t- shirt and basketball shorts I head to the bathroom and change.
After I change I brushed and flosses my teeth then headed downstairs to my dad sipping his coffee

"Where is mine?" I asked

"Your too young bud" my dad joked

"Oh come on just one sip" I whined

"Fine" dad says as I walked next to him he hands me the cup

I took a sip and immediately have it back to dad.  I cringed hardcore

"I don't like that!" I whined

"Told you" dad says as he takes another sip

"Do people put anything in that or is that how it's drunk" I ask

"People can put milk, sugar or cream in it" Dad says as he finishes his coffee and puts his cup in the sink.

"I bet that will make it better" I chuckled. My dad chuckled along with me

Then me and dad got our shoes on I went to the car first dad followed grabbing his keys and locking up the house and we were off to his office.

We arrived to his office my heart started racing.
"I'm not sure if I wanna do this dad" I mumbled as my dad got out of the car

Dad went to the passenger side and opened my door. "It will be fine now come on" dad said grabbing my hand and leading me out locking the car.

We got inside and he led me to the surgery room. Which was a little bigger than a exam room but it had more equipment in it. It had some monitors and such and other things like that.

"Why don't you take a seat" my dad offered.

I shakily went to the chair and sat down.
He applied his mask under his chin and leaned me back.

"I am going to sedate you so you will be asleep during the procedure" my dad explained

Soon after that Louis my dads assistant came in the room. I waved at him he waved back smiling at me.

"I'm going to put you to sleep with this mask" mason said as he puts a gas mask on my nose.

I slowly get very drowsy. Then I eventually fall asleep


he finally falls asleep. I get my gloves on and put my mask up Lou did the same.

I placed a mouth prop in his mouth and the procedure was started

I extracted all the teeth that were the wisdom teeth and put stitches in and Lou cleanse doit all the blood and I finally put the gauze in them took the mask of my son. I put the chair back to its normal state and did some paperwork at my desk while Lou cleaned up.


I slowly started waking up. I opened my eyes and notice I was still in the chair.
"Hello" I started to say but notice I had gauze in my mouth. But it has a reason to be there so I kept it in.

My dad noticed me waking up.  "Good afternoon bud you in any pain?"

"Sore" I manage to say

"I'll give pain meds when we get home" my dad said as he stood up

"I'll carry you to the car" my dad said as he picks me up and carries me to my car while locking up behind him

Lou and mason waved goodbye to each other as we part out desperate ways to our cars....

I'm not ready for this pain....

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