My father??

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"Nuh Uh" I say

"It's true" he says as he pulls out my birth certificate and showed me.

"Holy shit.." I mumble

"Also your last name is changing to Lockwood because I already talked to some people for that and they agreed to change your last name" he says

Questions started rushing into my head

"What happens to mom?" I say
"Um well we were only bf and gf until she passed away suddenly because of a heart attack she had a bad heart" he says as a tear rolls down his cheek.

"Mommy.." I mumble as a tear came down my cheek as I don't remember much of her since I was at the orphanage most of my life.

Mason came right over and picked me up and gave me a hug. I wouldn't let go.
After a few minutes he let me down. I finished eating dinner. Then I went upstairs and brushed my teeth and got my pajamas on.

I lay in my bed thinking as my dad comes in and says "I know it's a lot to take in" he says

"It was so surprising dad I never knew" I say

He gave me a kiss on the forehead and I fell asleep. The next morning I woke up to rain pounding on the window.

I was still surprised that Mason was my real dad.
I headed downstairs after changing and had a yogurt and went to the living room to watch tv.

Mason walks in and sits next to me.
"Don't forget you are coming with me to the clinic" he says as he seems distracted by his phone.

"Oh yea I know dad" I say I wasn't still used to calling him dad and my last name changing to Lockwood.

He was dressed in scrubs. He had white converse on. "Go upstairs brush your teeth we gotta get going" he said as I finish my yogurt and throw it away.

I went upstairs and brushed my teeth you know how my dad was. I went downstairs slipped on my black converse and grabbed a jacket my phone and my earbuds and sat on the couch waiting for my dad.
He came back into the living room and said " you ready?" I nodded and got up and we both went to the car after he locked the door and pulled out of the garage.
We finally arrived to his clinic which brings back to many memories.
We went in and we headed back into the exam room. I refused to sit in the dental chair he stared at me.
"Sit in the big chair" he says

I shook my head no. He went to the door way and said "Louis" which I think was his assistant Louis came in and looked at me they exchanged glances and Louis came to me and tried to pick me up but I kneed him.

Louis fell on the floor and groaned in pain
"Your grounded" my dad said
"No please I'll sit" I whine
I walked towards the chair and sat in it.

"Good good lets get started shall we?" He says

He reclined the chair back. He was on his stool behind me with the tool tray hovering over my chest. He had his gloves and mask on. Louis got up and did the same but he was next to me
He grabbed his mirror and explorer and tapped on each of my teeth. I winced at one of my teeth
He put his tools down on the tray. He put the chair back to its normal state and said " Lou please take some xrays I need to do something" my dad said as he pulled off his gloves and lowers his mask. He walks out of the room

Louis grabs the little films and says "open" which I did and he placed them in my mouth and positions camera. Then he goes to the hallway where I hear a faint beep noise.

The xrays show up on the computer and my dad comes back in to look at them.

"Hmm I expected that and also those wisdom teeth are coming in" mason says as he points to the teeth.
I listened in. "So Xavier" my dad said rolling his chair next to me. "Yes?"
"How long has your tooth been hurting" he asked
"A week" I mumble and I roll my eyes

"How long have I been a dentist" he says
"Like 7 months" I say quietly

"Yes Xavier! Now you have your first cavity!" He says in a unhappy tone then stares at me

"Is it an achievement" I said quietly and chuckle trying to lighten the mood

"No it ain't Xavier" my dad said angrily
He reclined my chair and he he puts on fresh gloves and pulls up his mask.

"Louis get all the stuff for a filling in storage" he said

"Yes Doctor" He said as he left the room.

"Open" mason said
He slipped his tools in my mouth. He touched the tooth and I winced. That's when Louis came in with the stuff and set it on the tray.

"You ready?" Mason says

"No" I whine soon enough a laughing gas mask came over my nose and I was in a daze

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