Chapter 22- surgery day

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I wake up around 7 am grab my bag some snacks a jacket and basically snuck downstairs. Mom was in the living room. I can just sneak past her using the back door that was in the kitchen. I was able to slip outside and I sighed in relief. I texted Xavier.

S: I'm so scared right now where are you

X: well I was just sleeping

S: I need to get away from you dad I don't want this surgery!

X: listen to me there is nothing to be afraid of he is the best

The next thing I know I felt a tap on my shoulder.
"Oh fu-.." I say and turn around. I look like I was going to cry. I've been caught. "Sweetheart there's nothing to be worried about.. also I know what you were just gonna say " my mom said calmly

"I don't wanna go!" I yell.

"You have to or I'll personally get him to this house and drag you there" she sneers

I gulped. "I.. I don't know.."

I run inside and up to my bedroom. I cried my eyes out. I did not want to go at all!

Mom came up to my room and knocked on my door. "If you go I'll buy you the newest iPhone" she said

I looked up at her with my red puffy eyes and gave from crying. "Are you serious mom?!" I say now calming down a bit.

"I'm seriously considering it" she said and smiling at me.

"Okay I'll go!" I say and go downstairs.

20 minutes later I was now sitting in the waiting room of Masons office, oh boy.. I do not want to do this.. but hey I am gonna get an iPhone 11!

I was sitting in the waiting room chair with my legs crossed and I was listening to music via my AirPods.

I was listening to one of my favorite songs by Journey "don't stop believing" when I heard Louis call my name.. oh boy.. I wasn't ready.

I cautiously stand up with my head down and walk towards the door where he was standing. He chuckles "it's going to be alright Skylar there's nothing to worry about"

"Shut your smart ass mouth before I shut it for you!" I mumbled

"Someone's a bit angry this morning ain't she?" Louis said

I turned around with an angry gesture. "I'm about to smack the shit out of you! Shut the hell up!"

Mason came out of his office. "Skylar calm down.." he said standing in front of me and kneeling down.

"I don't wanna do this just let me go home! My mom said I can get the iPhone 11 if I do this in reality I can buy it myself!" I yell. Louis and mason were shocked by this point.

Mason sighs grabbed my arm and basically drags me in the exam room and shut and lock the door. It was 2 vs 1.

"I can't do this!" I say and basically start having a mental breakdown and fall on the floor crying.

Mason came up to me and kneeled in front of me again. He had his arms wide open for me.

His glasses were perched against his nose with his brown eyes against my green eyes. "When you started dating Xavier you are the perfect girl for my are almost like a daughter to me." Mason said and smiles at me.

I smile back at him. "I love Xavier so much"

He smiles. "Are you ready now, you will be asleep and won't feel a thing.." mason said

He stood up and took the doctors stool. I cautiously stand up and sit in the dentist chair.

"Do you want to watch some Spongebob?" He asked

I looked back at him and smirked. "Duh I love Spongebob but will I be asleep though?"

"Well you can watch 5 minutes of it then you'll be asleep" Mason said as he clips the bib around my neck. He turned on Spongebob on low volume. He reclined me back. Louis And Mason both put on gloves and mask. Mason also put on a dental head lamp glasses.

Mason grabbed his mirror and explorer and rolled behind my head. "Open wide" he says

I opened up and focused my gaze on Spongebob. He tapped by wisdom teeth which made me flinch a little bit. But I was too into Spongebob. I started laughing. "Get your tools out so I can laugh properly" I chuckles

He took them out and chuckled and I was able to laugh properly. It was one of the older episodes the Krusty Krab Pizza episode.

Mason looked at the tv too and giggled. "I always get a kick out of this episode" he chuckles. He fiddled with some things behind me. "Are you ready to go under?" He asked

I nodded then he uses a stethoscope to check my heart rate and puts a pulse meter on my pinkie finger. "What is this for" I was referring to the think on my pinkie finger

"To make sure your okay during the surgery" he says and points to the computer screen behind him.
"Ok okay make sure I don't die okay?" I joke

He chuckles. "I would never allow that" he laughs

I chuckle nervously. "Okay I'm ready"

A gas mask was placed on my nose and I slowly drift  unconscious

Mason began the procedure.

**1 hour later**

I hear voices in my head and I slowly wake up. I see my mom looking down at me. "Hi sweetie" she says

I smile at her, I was still very drowsy.

The chair was put back to its normal state and the pulse meter was taken off and even Spongebob was turned off.

"Ohh godd.." I say very drowsily.
I slowly started to not feel as drowsy and the dizziness hit.

"I'm dizzy.." I mumble

"It's normal just sit and relax and it will go away" mason said. My mouth was full of gauze. I mumbled all the words I said. I was not in a lot of pain.
"I does not hurt as much as I thought it would" I say

"Well the anesthesia didn't wear off just yet it will hit soon but I prescribed antibiotics for that pain" mason explained and handed mom a small note. "Just go pick it up at the pharmacy" mason said

Mom nodded then put the paper in her pocket.
We went home 20 min later when I was not as dizzy. Then mom went to the pharmacy and picked up my prescription. I was also sent home with gauze and a few other things to help with the pain.

I laid on the couch watching Spongebob I just took some antibiotic and my gauze was replaced by my mom. My standard poodle lulu came up to me and snuggled with me.

I fell asleep eventually on the couch..

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