Chapter 23- another checkup (Xavier)

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I woke up the next morning to dad shaking my shoulder. I open my eyes and face my dad.
"What?.." I mumble sleepily

"You need a checkup you had a lot of sugar yesterday" dad said

"I'm fine I brushed my teeth last night" I say and turn over not facing dad anymore.

"Xavier.." he says sternly. I turn back around with dad looking at me with his arms crossed across his chest staring down at me staring.

"Ugh fine you always get your way asshole.." I mumble to myself hopefully dad doesn't hear what I just said.

"What did you just say?" He says

"Nothing" I say and get out of bed then grab some clothes and headed to the bathroom.

I took a shower, brushed my teeth very well, flossed and used mouthwash. I never use mouthwash.. but I have to get a checkup I am not that happy..

I came downstairs to see dad already dressed in his scrubs, he also had his professional glasses on.

"I wanna eat before we go.." I mumble

"We are on a tight schedule, I'll give money to go to the shop after the appointment then you'll have to walk yourself home okay?" Dad says

"Okay" I says

I made sure I have my keys in my jean pocket.
He's letting me go to to the shop I can buy whatever! Even candy!

"And you better get no candy" he says sternly

I smile to myself. "Okay dad I won't I promise"
I was lying I was totally gonna get some candy or something for my sweet tooth.

We get our shoes on, then locked up the house and got in the car and drove to the office.
I really hope I don't have any cavities..

We got to the office and dad parked in the car park.
Dad got out first but I refused to get out. He comes to the passenger side then opens it.

I gave him a dirty look. "I'm not going in"
"Xavier please it won't be that bad.." dad said

I unbuckled my seatbelt then I got out of the car. "I'm not that happy with you.." I mumble as we walk into the office. I hear him chuckle behind me.

He walks me to the one of the exam rooms. I refuse to sit in the chair and literally sat on his stool. "Wrong chair bud" he chuckles

"I'm not going on that dreadful chair" I said and pointed to the big chair

He sighed. "If your not gonna sit I'll be forced to use other measures"

The color from my face drained. "Noo I'll be good please!" I whine

"Good" he says. I got up and sit in the dental chair very cautiously. He sat in his chair, rolled behind me and washed his hands. He snaps on his gloves which make me cringe.

He pulls up his mask and put on his dental head lamp. Then he reclined the chair. He was sitting behind my head. "That lamp on your head looks funny" I say

He grabs his tools. "Yea.. but this looks a lot better then the big lamp.." he chuckles
"Okay open" he then says

I open very cautiously. He immediately starts examining my teeth, I looked up at him and saw his beady eyes scanning my teeth. Which made me chuckle a bit. He then took his tools out. "No cavities, but you have some plaque build up. I'm not that happy but  I'll just give you a a good cleaning" he says

He grabs the electric toothpaste and put a dab of toothpaste on it then he started polishing my teeth one by one, the front and back.

Once he was done he flossed my teeth and put the chair back to its normal state. Then rolls up to me with a small cup of green liquid

"What is this?" I ask

"Fluoride, swish for 60 sec and spit in the sink and you'll be done" he says and hands me the cup. I look at the liquid which looked very gross looking.

"Do I have too?" I whine

"Yes it's basically like mouthwash" he says then removes his gloves and mask and headlamp. He tosses the gloves and mask and put the headlamp on the desk.

"Screw this.." I mumble. Then I got up and dumped it into the sink. He eyed me very cautiously. "Did you really just dump that out mr. Xavier?"

"Yes I'm not drinking it! It looks so gross!" I complain

He sighs. "Just use mouthwash tonite, here's your money to go to the shop, remember no candy"

I take the money and put it in my pocket. "Thanks, I'll see you later have a good day"

I walk out of the room, down the hall back into the waiting room and walk out of the building. Then make my way to the shop. Where I bought something I shouldn't of and I'm gonna regret it a few weeks later..

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