Chapter 15- The forgotten toothache

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*3 days later*

Remember 3 or so weeks ago when I had that cotton dad know about this toothache but he haven't asked me about it since which is surprising. Well this morning it started hurting at 3 in the morning and I couldn't fall back asleep and I have school.

I got up and went the bathroom to grab some Aspirin while I was getting it I hear dads footsteps coming down the hallway. Then he stood in the doorway looking at me.

I stood there staring at him with the bottle of Aspirin.

"Is something hurting you bud?" My dad asked in a sleepy voice and he rubs his eyes

"Yea.." I say

"What's hurting you" He asked

"Uh I just have a headache" I say lying

"Oh okay I was wondering because I woke up to hear you doing something" he says and walks back to his room

I rub my cheek in pain. "Thank god" I say quietly

I hear his bedroom door close. Then I took the medicine with a glass of water then proceeded back to my room. I laid in bed till the medicine kicks in.

I fell asleep but I didn't wake up to my alarm I woke up late for school.

I glanced at the clock. It was 10 am. I jumped out of bed grabbed my clothes changed and brushed my teeth then rushed downstairs.

There stood dad looking puzzled drinking his coffee.

"Why didn't you wake me dad" I say in a bit of an angry tone

"Well I was thinking last night I never fixed your toothache and I wanted to fix it for you so I did not make you go to school" Dad said

Ohh... he must of remembered I took the aspirin and I kind of lied and he figured the toothache was bothering me.

"What made you think of it dad?" I ask grabbing a banana.

"You taking the medication last night I figured you were lying about the headache" dad said smirking

Omg.. he is so smart because he's a dentist.

"How did-" I said But was cut of by my dad

"I have my ways" he says

I finished my banana and threw the peel away

"So when are you gonna fix it?" I ask with banana still in my mouth.

"Well I'm sure you don't wanna wear your school uniform go change in some comfy clothes" Dad said

I rolled my eyes and headed upstairs. Where I changed into some joggers and a adidas t shirt then headed back downstairs. I got my white low top converse on and me and dad were off to his office... yay what fun.

We arrived to his office got out of the car locked it and headed inside. He clocked in and we headed to an exam room where I sat in the big chair like a guilty puppy did something wrong.

"What's wrong bud?" My dad asked now prepping some tools behind me.

"Nothing just I hope it's not a bad one" I said and tried to get comfortable in the chair.

A few minutes later I heard my dad snapping on his gloves which made me shiver then I was reclined back where I was faced with my dads face covered with a mask it's like he disappeared but I know he is still there.

He came towards me with his mirror and explorer

"Open" he said

I opened and the taste of the latex gloves hit me it was not a nice taste.
He tapped every tooth all was good except one.

"It's just a small one bud nothing to worry about" dad said

Topical gel was now placed in the gum underneath the tooth then a few minutes later came the needle. He said positive things the whole time.

It was injected and it didn't hurt as bad as I thought. Then he drilled the small cavity then was filled with composite and he dried it with an air thing. Then soon enough the chair was put back to its normal state and I was set free

I stayed in his office till his shift was over then we went home and watched movies it was an okay day back to school tommorow

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