First cavity and wisdom teeth talk

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Why do I hate mason right now? At least he didn't force me into the chair with restraints. But he got really mad at me for having a cavity.

The mask was over my nose I was in a daze.
"You ready?" Mason said

"Nu" I say I started not caring

He opened my mouth and gave me topical numbing gel then a few moments later than the needle came.

He filled my cavity and soon enough it was over the mask was take off and my chair was put back to its normal state.

I put my hand in my face. "Lou please leave some and my dad can talk" I mumbled

"Sure thing" Lou said as he took his gloves off and exited the room.

"So dad I'm sorry for not telling you sooner" I say and look up to my dad

"It's fine but next time you better tell me right away or I'll get mad!" Dad said

"Okay so what are wisdom teeth" I ask

"Oh ok Lou you can come in! Well they are teeth that get in the way of your other teeth and can't come in so they have to be extracted" dad said

"Like pulled out?" I pout

"Yes I'm sorry but you'll be sedated for the procedure" Lou said as he walks in.

"When will this be done" I whine

"Well I got a busy next few days so probably..." my dad said as he checks his schedule.

"Friday" he finally said

"That's a few days away" I say

"I know but they need to come out bud your other teeth need to come through" he said while rubbing my back

I sighed "can I go home?"

"Not yet we have to take the molds for the braces you'll be getting next week" dad said as he fiddled with some stuff behind me.

He rolled his chair next to me he had these mold things filled with pink goop
"Open" He says

"No! That's disgusting!" I say as I jumped out of the chair and stormed out of the room into the bathroom.

I looked at the mirror I started shedding tears a bit I was angry.
I smiled and looked at my smile. They are perfectly white but crooked....

I heard a knock on the door

"Who is it" I sniffled

"Lou" Lou said

"What do you want? I know he wants to take molds but I'm refusing" I say

Then I heard more footsteps then another heavier knock which I knew was my dad.

"What now dad?" I say pretty loudly

"If you do these molds we can go out to eat or buy ice cream or something" He says

It did sound pretty tempting. But they looked so gross.

"I'll be out in a minute" I say and wipe off my face of any tears and headed out of the bathroom and back into the exam room which my dad and Lou followed me.

I sat down in the chair again. Lou put a fresh bib on me. Dad put on fresh gloves and grabbed the molds and rolled next to me
"Please open" he says

I opened and he stuck the first one in. It was gross and slimy. I let a tear slip

2 min later it was taken out and the other one was put in.

Soon enough it was all done and it was time to go home. But I rinsed out my mouth first.

Me and my dad headed to the car while Lou locked up and went his own way.

"You did good" dad said

"Thanks, now I want to eat some Italian food how about Olive Garden" I mentioned

"Yea that's sounds good" he said and he drove to the Olive Garden near us.

We got out and waited for a table. We got our table our waitress came

"What may I get you two fine gentlemen to drink ?" She asked

"I'll take a sprite" I say then dad ordered drink "I'll take a water" he said

Then when she took off to get our drinks Mason my dad  looked at me like he was a bit pissed

"What" I chuckle

"You shouldn't be drinking that stuff you know" he said

"But it's so good" I chuckle

Then the waitress came with our drinks and breadsticks and salad.

My eyes lit up when I saw the breadsticks. My dad beat me to them. We laughed.

"Are you ready to order?" Asked the waitress

"Yes" my dad said

"Ok whenever your ready" waitress said

"We both want chicken Alfredo" my dad says

"Oh ok sounds good" she said and she took off.

I sipped my drink even though dad didn't approve of it.

"I'm gonna give you a good teeth brushing tonite" he said in a serious tone

I rolled my eyes and grabbed some salad

Man I loved their salad
10 min later our food came. We chowed that down we paid for the bill and drove home I was pretty tired

I took a shower changed into pajamas  had my dad brush my teeth and floss them then I went to my room and Snapchat my friends then I finally fell asleep

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