Chapter 17- My new girlfriend

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Xavier POV

Skylar looked at me, then she smiled at me.

"Of course Xavier I had a crush on you ever since" Skylar said softly

She then hugged me. "I've missed you so much"

"Me too" I say and I blush as I had a crush on her for the longest time.

Since it was cloudy we walked back to my place. "Do you wanna hang out for a little longer before you have to go?"

"Sure" Skylar said

We went in and dad was in the kitchen doing something. "Hey dad" I say

"Oh hey" he says turning around

Skylar tensed up. "What's wrong?"

"Dr.Lockwood?" She says

"You okay Skylar your all tense" I whispered in her ear

"Um he is my dentist" she says pointing at Mason.

"Oh dear sorry just call me Mason and you are?" Mason asked pointing at Skylar

"I'm Skylar" she said quietly

"Oh Skylar.. Watts?" Mason questioned

"Yes" She said shyly

Skylar hid behind me. "Can we go to your room" she whispered

"Yea" I said and we walked upstairs and into my room and I closed the door.

"He's your dentist too?" I say. Skylar sat on the edge of my bed.

"Unfortunately. But is he related to you though?" She questions

"He's my dad" I say

"Oh, so it must be a little rough living with your dad who's a dentist. What about your mom?" Skylar asked

"Well she passed away when my dad wanted to marry her" I say trying not to tear up.

"Oh dear I'm so sorry" she said now rubbing my back.

"It's okay" I say

"Is living with him rough does he keep good food in the house?" Skylar questions

"Not really I have a secret stash in my closet but he keeps a few of my favorite cereals downstairs but he rolls his eyes whenever I want some" I chuckle

"I feel bad for you, so I guess Mason is like a health freak right?" Skylar giggles

"Duh He is a dentist for Pete's sake!" I laugh

A knock can be heard at the door. "Come in" I say

"It's getting late skylar should go home" dad said

"Oh ok" Skylar says getting up and kisses me on the cheek which made me blush. She left to go home. I heard the door shut downstairs.

Dad stood in the doorway smiling down at me.

"So your a couple now I see?" He chuckles

"Yea because you saw us kissing" I say now paying more attention to my phone

"But I overheard something you are a loud talker" he says

"Oh what did I say" I say

"You were talking about how I was a health freak and talking about a secret stash somewhere?" My dad questioned

I paused for a minute.  "No I don't dad" I say

"Okay then but if I see you eating something unhealthy or I hear crinkling coming from here your gonna be in trouble" dad warned

"Why?" I say getting a little pissy

"Because remember I'm a dentist and I don't allow any of that stuff in the house" he says he then leaves my room closing the door behind him.

"That was close" I mumble to myself

I pull out my phone and text Skylar. She gave me her number.

X: hey cutie

S: hey handsome

X: I just almost got caught

S: for what

X: my secret stash my dad overheard us

S: oh shit... but you denied it hopefully?

X: yep I don't want him to find out he will be giving me more checkups than usual

S: to be honest I hate the dentist I refuse to go my mom makes me whenever she gets a reminder card in the mail. She sometimes tricks me to go

X: oh Lordy That gotta be rough, did you ever get strapped down?

S: Yes a lot of time I will have a meltdown. Almost every time

X: I'm tired I'm going to bed

S: goodnight, love You Xavier

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