Chapter 18- oh Skylar...

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You wanna know the reason I got all tense yesterday in front of Mason?

Well... both sides of my face been hurting plus an additional toothache.. I think my wisdom teeth are coming in..

And tomorrow is my 6 month checkup I'm nervous.. I really want to skip but you know my mom she will force me there anyways..

I wake up in a lot pain then I text Xavier

S: Skylar
X: Xavier

S: hey, what are you doing today cutie?

X: nothing much why?

S: can we hang out?

X: of course!  Yours or mine?

S: maybe we can go to the park and decide from there.

X: that sounds fun, how about around noon?

S: that sounds good

X: okay see you then love you

S: love you too

I put my phone down and get dressed I wore acid washed ripped jeans, a stranger things shirt, and I braided my hair. Then brush and floss my teeth, and yes my teeth are crooked but I don't want braces at all I bet mom will force me to get them though.

Then I was greeted by my mom. "Good morning sweetie how are you?" She says

"Fine just fine" I say as I grab a breakfast bar from the jar we keep them in.

"Remember you have your checkup tomorrow" she says now doing something on her iPad.

My mom worked from home. She is a real estate agent.

I get my vans on and I left the house to meet Xavier at the park.


I go downstairs after I get ready and grab a granola bar. Dad was already at work which I was relieved about. These granola bars are somewhat unhealthy for me and my teeth but Dad buys me them anyways even though he give me a small lecture every time I have one or rolls his eyes at me.

I get my shoes on grab my keys and phone and locked the door then proceeded to the park where I'm gonna see my beautiful girlfriend..

I walk to the park where Skylar was sitting on a bench. I came up to her and smiled. "Good morning beautiful"

"Afternoon" She said

I sat on the bench with her and put my arm protectively around her.

"I have something to tell you, please don't tell Mason" she said

"Well, I won't ever tell him first of all it's just between you and me" I say

"I have a checkup tomorrow and I know my wisdom teeth are coming in and I have an additional toothache" she says and looks down

"I'm so sorry" I say and pull her in for a hug.

"I don't wanna go, Mason gives me the creeps already" she says

"Well he will take the pain away though" I say

""I know but learning be is your father makes me more nervous, and I'm your girlfriend. Does mason know that?" Skylar said looking up at me

"Well I am not totally sure" I say

"Oh ok so what do you wanna do?" She asks

"I got quite a few consoles at my place we can play Minecraft, sims or something like that" I offered

"I freaking love Minecraft" she says smiling

We heard thunder is the distance. "Oh great we better get going back to my place before it rains"

"Yea" She said getting up. Then we walked to my place but.. we hit the rain in the middle of it. We played in the rain a little bit even though it was thundering.

We got to my house all soaking wet. Mason looked at us and giggled.

"You did not outsmart the rain did you?" Dad said

"No we didn't" I say, all dripping wet.

"Don't track puddles in the house go get changed, lend Skylar some clothes if you want" dad said

We went upstairs almost slipping on the kitchen floor but managed to get upstairs in my room.

I gave her a shirt and some basketball shorts which were baggy but she still looks adorable.

"This is so big on me Xavier!" She giggled

"I know I know" I say then gets changed in my bathroom.

We go downstairs and load up my Nintendo switch and we played Minecraft. She fell asleep on my shoulder. Then I fell asleep

Then awoke the next morning..

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