Chapter 14- A week Later

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Public school has been okay for me I made a few friends and a few enemies.
I just got to school and was at my locker organizing my books for my next few classes when one of my enemies show up. His name was Devon.

"Hey loser" he said smugly and was staring down at me he was a bit taller then me.

"What do you want?" I say now getting a bit angry.

"I bet you'll need a trip to the dentist soon" he jokes

"What do you mean? And how do you know" I ask

"I just know" he shrugs then punches me in the mouth and I fall to the floor and black out.

20 minutes later I wake up in the nurses office. My face was pounding it feels like I've been hit by a truck right in the face.

I slowly open my eyes and see a worried nurse looking down at me. "Hey sweetheart how are you feeling" she says softly

"Like a ton of bricks hit me in the face" I say

She goes over to the freezer and brings me back a ice pack and hands it to me. I put it on my cheek where it was hurting the most. "Oh I forgot to introduce myself I am nurse Abby" she says

She was a cute looking nurse oh my...

"Did you call my dad?" I say

"Yes He is on the way, all your stuff is in the corner over there" she say pointing to my bookbag in the corner

5 min later a worried Mason walks in the nurses office.

"Hello I am Xavier's father Mason Lockwood" he explains to the nurse before turning his gaze back at me. He comes to the bedside and sits down next to me.

"What happened?" He asked in a worried tone

"Punched in the face" I say

"By who?" He says

"My enemy Devon" I say quietly as I was still in quite a bit of pain even with the ice pack.

"Bud I am so sorry, why don't I sign you out hen we can go to my office and take a look?" He offers

I nod and stand up slowly. I started walking to my stuff but my dad picked it up for me.

"I got it" he says and we walked to where we sign out of the school

A few minutes later we were in the car on the way to Dad's office.

We got there quickly and walked into the office then into the exam room and he told me to sit down in the chair. I obeyed him then he placed a bib on me. He fiddled with his tools behind me then he got some gloves and a mask on then reclined me back
"Hand me the ice pack" he says and I hand him the halfway melted ice pack which was now starting to drip.

He sets it down in the counter then grabs the mirror and explorer then says "open"

I open my aching mouth his eyes turned to pure worry as he starts to examine my mouth. "Your bleeding a lot and you have one chipped tooth and a loose tooth and one that has fallen out which is causing the Bleeding" He says then takes the tools out of mouth and sets them back on the tray

"Am I gonna be okay?" I say in a worried way

"Yes bud I just gotta clean up this mess" he says

"Oh ok" I say

He now grabs the water and suction and starts cleaning up the blood in my mouth. He finishes then takes the tools out of my mouth.

"I'm gonna have to numb you to get the loose tooth out I'm very sorry" he says now grabbing a q- tip with pink jelly and brings it toward my mouth. He places the jelly on my gum and lets it numb up

"It's going to feel tingly just bear with me bud" he says and takes the q- tip out and throws it in the trash can behind him.

I nod. "Is there gonna be a needle?" I say

"Yes unfortunately I'll get you ice cream later" he says

I sigh unhappily then he says "close your eyes and open wide" I did and I felt the little pinch of the needle it wasn't bad because of the numbing jelly.

Then he grabs a small pair of pliers and starts wiggling my tooth and it pops out then he quickly cleans up the blood with the suction and water then places gauze in the spot.

"Just gotta fix the chipped tooth which won't hurt at all just gonna be a really cold substance and a bright light" he says

He mixed up this tooth composite then starts fixing the chipped tooth. "Close your eyes this light is gonna be really bright"

I do what I was told and he used the light and dries my tooth.

I was soon done and the chair was returning back to its normal state, the bib was removed and dad took his gloves and mask off and threw them in the trash can.

"You did very good would you like some ice cream" he asked

I shook my head no as I was very tired and just wanted to go home and sleep.

"That's alright I know your very tired you had a long day" he says while finishing cleaning up the exam room. I got up and out of the chair

Ten minutes later we were walking out of the office and he locks up the office then we went to the car where we went home.

When we got home I was so tired I immediately headed up to my room and literally fell asleep right away

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