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The next day....

I was soo soo sore omg this is horrible pain to experience!

I whimpered some and my dad came in with pain meds and water I took it even though the cold water made it ache more but soon enough there will be relief.

I was hungry " I'm hungry" I whine

My dad turned around to face me

"How about I make you some broth with noodles with some applesauce or something" my dad offered

"That's will be nice maybe ice cream for dessert later" I questioned

"Of course bud I'll be downstairs if you need me" my dad said as he left my room closing my door behind him


I got downstairs to the kitchen and starting warming up some chicken broth and cooking some noodles.

Once that was done I put the noodles in the bowl then covered the noodles in broth. I hope it is soft enough for Xavier. It should be soft enough Because I'm a dentist so I know what's best for my son.

I grabbed another dish and put a few scoops of applesauce in it and sprinkled it in cinnamon.

I put the bowl of soup, applesauce, and some tea on the tray.

I went upstairs carrying the tray and knocked on the door


I heard a knock on the door.
"Come in" I say softly

The door freaked open and there was my dad holding a tray

"I made some noodles with broth, some applesauce, and warm tea, here you go" my dad said handing me the tray.

"Thank you dad" I say accepting the tray and picking up my spoon and took a bite of the noodle soup. I moaned in delight it was delicious.

"Your welcome just text me if you want anything else" my dad said before exiting my room and shutting my door

I turned on my tv and I watched some stranger things while I enjoyed my dinner.

I finished my dinner and put it on my side table and laid back down watching stranger things.

I fell asleep after a few episodes. Then I felt a tap on my shoulder. It was dad

"Hmmm" I say rolling out of my slumber

"You fell asleep" my dad said softly

"Oh what time is it?" I ask softly

"7 pm" dad said

"Can't I just go back  to sleep" I complain

"Well you gotta brush your teeth first" dad says

"Do I have to my teeth are so sore" I whine

"Yes you have too" dad says

I groaned and rolled out of bed and headed to my bathroom. I looked at my face in the mirror
My cheeks were all swollen and I look like shit.

I grabbed my toothbrush and put toothpaste on it and brushed my teeth even though it hurt but you know my dad a flipping dentist!

I brushed for two minutes then rinsed then flossed.

I exit the bathroom and back into my room and flip into bed face on my pillow

I hope tomorrow will be a better day..

Adopted by a dentist Where stories live. Discover now