2 years later

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Mason became a qualified dentist. Dr.North retired. And Mason goes on and on about my teeth. Which annoyed me sometimes. It been 7 months since I stepped foot in that office and my tooth been hurting for a week. I've dodged appointments with him and Made some
Good excuses. And I've became more scared of the dentist.

I headed downstairs where I saw mason drinking his coffee. "What's up Xavier" he says

"Nothing..just getting breakfast" I say as I go to the fridge and grabbed a yogurt and a spoon and went to the living room and ate it.
I was in a mood this morning because of that damn tooth.

Mason waddles isn't he living room and looks at me. "Yea?" I say

"You need a check up it's long overdue" he says

I look at him. "Nah I'm good" I focused my attention back to spongebob.

He stood in front of the tv and started me down. He was dressed in black jeans and a black checkered button up shirt that was tucked in and wearing a blue tie.

He sighed. "U need one that's why I have made you an appointment today " I drop my spoon and stare at him. "What time"
"11" he says

"So I have to walk or ride my bike to the office?" I say

"Yea" He says

He got his shoes on grabbed his keys and jacket and headed out the door.
It was 8:30
I wasn't going screw him.
Thoughts were going around my head

It's going to hurt
He will be so mad if I don't show up

He will take the pain away

It was now 9:30 and I headed to the shower. And picked out an outfit a blue shirt and joggers.
And pulled on my black low top converse.
I locked up the house grabbed my phone and got my bike out of the garage. I rode my bike to the park and swing on the swing I checked my phone it was 11:30 he's gonna blow a shit at me.

Mason Pov

Ok he skipped the appointment and I'm pissed. I know he hates coming here. I continued my day then I went home around four

Xavier POV

I went home around 3:45 and chilled in my room on my phone then I heard Mason come home he was yelling for me. Not good. Not good at all.

He stomped up to my room.
He slammed my door open

"Where were you mister?" He says in a angry voice.

"Didn't feel like going" I mumble

"You know I would never hurt you" he says calming down slightly

"Sure you will I put up a fight last time and you strapped me down" I say

He rolled his eyes. "Oh my god Xavier you have to bring this up every single time I want to bring you to the office?" He says

"Because you didn't care" I say

"That's it your going to the office with me first thing in the morning" he says as he left my room.

He called me down for dinner. I sat down at ate then Mason asked me a question.

"I got something to tell you that been bugging me since I adopted you" he says

"Hmm?" I say not really wanting to talk to him.

"I'm your real father"  he said

And my mouth dropped

Adopted by a dentist Where stories live. Discover now