Chapter 24- regrets

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A few weeks later..
Let's say dad won't be too happy with me.

I awoke with a toothache that just won't go away. I didn't wanna face my dad because he will be beyond pissed off at me. Nobody likes an angry dentist.

I get up and out of bed grabbed my outfit I just wore acid washed ripped jeans and an under armor shirt and a hoodie. Then I go to the bathroom and brush and floss my teeth even if my tooth was bothering me. I go downstairs go to the fridge and grab a small pod of strawberry yogurt and a spoon and sit at the bar.

I eat my yogurt very slowly and check my Snapchat, Instagram, and Reddit on my phone.

I finished my yogurt through the pod in the bin and put my spoon in the sink. Dad comes downstairs all dresses in professional attire which he never wore a button up shirt and black skinny jeans with his Apple Watch.

I glance at him then got up and went to the den and sat on the couch and watched cartoons. I laugh at spongebob I laughed so hard I fell off the couch. Then all of a sudden my toothache came back but it hurt really bad. I don't wanna go to the dentist because I know dad will blow a shit.

He walks in the den while I was holding my cheek and raises his eyebrow. "A toothache?"

I quickly removed my hand. " no dad I'm fine"

He sighs. "Your coming with me, because I don't believe you"

"Dad no! I'm fine! Why don't you believe me?" I say getting a bit worried he's gonna find my sore tooth and my ass is toast.

He sighs. "Get your shoes on, I'm running late"

I get my slip on vans on and put my phone in my pocket and head to the car I was very upset I held my cheek like that. He knows what it means he's a dentist for Pete's sake!

Dad locks up the house and gets in the car. I stayed quite the whole entire car ride. I just had an appointment literally 2 weeks ago!

We got to the office and I followed him in. I didn't wanna upset him any further than he already is. I sigh as we walk into his office and into an exam room and he instructs me to sit.

"Dad! But I don't!" I yell

He ignores me and preps by washing his hands. I take a seat in the chair. I was really annoyed with him. He snapped on his gloves and pulls up his mask. He reclined the the chair and positions the light.

"Open" he says

I shake my head no.

He sighs but I know he wouldn't give up.
"Open" he says he it's more force, he was getting a bit more angry.

I finally give in after a few more tries. He explored my mouth for a few minutes
"Aha" he says and taps one of my teeth.

Oh no. He found it.

I wince and squeeze my eyes shut.
"You have a small cavity, where did it come from?" He asks sternly

"I don't know dad" I mumble he still had his tools in my mouth.
Then takes his tools out of my mouth.
He sighs then grabs a q tip and dips it in some pink jelly.
"What is that?" I ask

"Numbing jelly" he says then rubs it on the gum under my tooth with a cavity. "Just give a thumbs up when your numb" he says

A few minutes later I was numb and gave the thumbs up. I didn't know what as coming I haven't had one in a while. "Shut your eyes if you don't want to see what is happening"

I shut my eyes and open my mouth really wide.
Then I felt the pinch of the needle going into my gum. It was an uncomfortable pinch but I managed to get through it.

He took the needle out and disposed of it in the sharps container.
"That shot numbs your even more so you won't feel the drill" dad explains

I nod. Then a few minutes later the whole side of my face was numb I couldn't even feel my cheek.
"I think I'm numb" I say and my dad says "okay let's get started just keep your mouth really wide for me"
I Open really wide and I hear the whirl of the drill coming closer and closing I whine a bit and all of of a sudden I hear the drill vibrations in my mouth it felt weird.

Then he was done quicker than expected and he filled my tooth with composite.
Then he dries and polished it then the chair was put back to its normal state.

Then I was able to go home.

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