Chapter 16- someone bas a crush on me?

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I woke up to my alarm going off. I groan and hit the snooze button.

10 min later the alarm goes off again and I decide to get out of bed. I grab my clothes off my dresser and proceed to the bathroom.

I enter the bathroom and get in the shower and let music play off my phone. I sing along to a few songs and get out of the shower and dress in my clothes. Put on my socks then brush my teeth for 2 minutes. Then head downstairs

I enter the kitchen and a note was on the table. It said "I had an emergency appointment I had to go to love you see you after school"

I sighed and put the note down and grabbed a bowl of Cocoa Puffs and ate my breakfast.

After breakfast I rinse my bowl out out in my shoes and grabbed my bag and headed off to school after locking the door.

I walked to school as it was not really far. Then went in and go to my locker. I grabbed my stuff for my first and second classes and proceeded off to first class.

I sat in math class... ugh. But then I was approached by a girl. She smiled at me which made me blush a bit.

"Hi Xavier" she said

"Hi, and you are?" I question

"Oh I'm Skylar" Skylar giggles

I giggled a bit. But then the bell rang and we were to take our seats

Did a girl just approach me? I thought I wasn't their type

After class she approached me again. "Sorry about earlier it must have been weird" she said

"A little weird being approached by a girl which I thought will never happen" I say

"Oh lol anyways what are you doing after school" she asks

"Nothing just most likely whatever homework I have" I say

We chatted till we got to our classes and took our separate ways as we do not have English together sadly.

The day went by quickly and soon school was let out and was standing outside when Skylar approached me.

"Do you wanna go to the park or to the cafe or something so we can get to know each other" she offered.

"The park sounds nice" I say

We walked to the park and sat on a bench.

"So Xavier I bet your wondering how I know you" She said

"Yea I was wondering that to" I say

"I've known you for awhile" she said

"Like how?" I say a bit confused

"We grew up in the same orphanage I was the one that always comforted you when you were upset" skylar says

"Is that really you, Skylar?" I say

"Yes Xavier and Ive had a crush on you ever since" she said

"I really liked you too" I said

"Ever since you left I was sad" she said

"I'm so sorry. Are you still at the orphanage?" I asked

"No I am not I was adopted last year"  she said

We chatted for awhile till it got cloudy and it looked like it was gonna rain.

"Would you like to be my girlfriend?" I manage to say

(A/n) hey guys so sorry haven't posted in a while as school been crazy as a senior in high School. I will try to update as best as I can but school is really important

Enjoy this chapter 😊


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