First ever dentist appointment

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Xavier POV

I woke up the next morning and yawned and sat in my bed and got up and went to the bathroom where I brushed my teeth because mason gave me one and he is a dentist.
I also got dressed I looked in my drawers there was many cool shirts pant shorts and other things and there was a few jackets hanging in my closet.
I chose a blue shirt and some shorts and got dressed and put on a hoodie.
I headed downstairs and I saw mason dressed in his scrubs.
"Hey" I mumble

"Sup Xavier you ready for today?" He said

"Ehh... never been there before" I say

"It's not that bad" he smiled and gave me a hug.
"Now do you want some breakfast?" He says

"Oh yea" I say

Mason handed me a apple and a bottle of water that's when I learned he is a health freak.
I took a bite  of my apple
"Now go get your shoes on and we can go I got a new pair of shoes for you" He says as he pointed to a new pair of shoes which were white high top converse.

Then we went to the car and we drove off to the clinic.
We arrived at the clinic and went inside he told me to follow him. We got to an exam room and he told me to sit in the big chair.

"Noo.." I mumble as I back up towards the door

As soon as I do that someone blocks me from leaving I looked at him with my petrified eyes.

"Ok Dr. Lockwood are you going to have him sit in the chair" Dr.north says

"Oh Yes.. Xavier it's going to fine it won't hurt one bit" Mason reinsured

"I don't wanna" I say as I start crying

Mason gets up from the stool and picks me up and places me on the chair. "Noo" I cry as I didn't want to be in the chair and tried to jump off but mason kept his hand on me and rubbed my back

Mason reclined the chair back which scared me so much. "I'm scared!!" I start screaming

"Shh shhh it's okay" dr north said calmly they both put on some gloves and a mask.

"Can you please Open bud?" Mason said

I slowly opened my mouth and he placed tools in my mouth a mirror and this pointy tool.
He counted my teeth. "Good job Xavier" he says calmly I can tell he was smiling through his mask
Dr. North was just observing.
He put my chair back to its normal state and said open and he put these films in my mouth went outside the room for a second and I heard a buzz.
He finished the xrays and both of the doctors looked at them.
"Wow no cavities" Dr. north said
They finished up my checkup and said
"You did very good"

They let me get out of the chair and me and mason went home.

That was my very first appointment that was 2 years ago I was now 12...

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