Chapter 19- Skylar checkup

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I fell asleep at Xavier's house so I texted my mom I fell asleep here I'm so sorry.

All she said was get home. I hope mason didn't see us sleeping together I bet he will say something during the appointment

I slowly get up I was still in Xavier clothes I grabbed my other clothes then headed out the door very quietly trying not to wake Xavier.

Mason was in the other room I think it still asleep it was around 5:45 am.

I get home grabbed my key and unlocked the house my golden retriever greeted me as I entered the house. "Shh" I say and I throw my wet clothes in the clothes chute then head upstairs and crawl back in bed.

I heard my phone go off and it was Xavier, my phone was not on silent so it scared the shit out of me.

X: I see you left, you doing okay? Did you make it home okay? I love you

S: I made it home okay, I love you too see you soon

I set my phone down grab some clothes and went in the shower.

I brush my teeth very well and floss then head downstairs, mom was downstairs cooking breakfast.

"Good morning mom" I say as I take a seat on the stool in the kitchen.

"Morning sweetie, how did you manage to fall asleep over Xavier's?" She asked

"We were just playing a game and I fell asleep, his dad didn't wake us up" I say now accepting the plate of food my mom made.

"Who's the Dad?" Mom asked

"To be honest, Xavier's dad is dr. Lockwood" I sigh

"Are you serious that is quite interesting, did he recognize you" she chuckles

"Kind Of But is weird seeing him out of the office, his real name is Mason" I say now eating my eggs.

Mom chuckles. "That's nice, it may be weird but you will get used to him when you see Xavier" mom said now finishing up her eggs and starting to do dishes

I stand up and hand her my plate. "What time is my appointment?"

"9:15" she says

"So have half hour that's nice" I say and walk up the stairs

"And your not skipping" mom scolded before I went up the stairs. I roll my eyes not really caring about what my mom says

**fast forward to the appointment**

I wait in the waiting room and I finally hear my name.. "Skylar..Watts" Dr. Lockwood says

I looked up and see him smiling at me. I didn't want to make this awkward so I got up and followed him into the exam room.

I take a seat nervously, I hear the door shut behind him. "So Skylar how are you today?" He says as he washes his hands and preps for the checkup.

"I'm doing okay" I say nervously. I rightly grip my hands on the arm rests. I hear the snapping of the gloves and the chair began reclining back.

Then I came face to face with him but half of his face was covered with a mask and it seems like a head lamp.

"Okay Open wide" He says as he came close with his mirror and explorer.

"Do I have too?" I say turning my head away

"Yes I'm sorry" he chuckles

I turn back shut my eyes and open my mouth. I feel the tools and the taste of latex in my mouth which was nauseating.

"Okay it's all good, besides your wisdom teeth are coming in and need to be taken out unfortunately" mason said taking the tools out and putting the chair back to its normal state

"My assistant is gonna come and and take some xrays and give your teeth a. Nice polishing then I'll meet back up with you and your mom and discuss a treatment plan how about that?" He says taking his gloves and mask off then exiting the room

I sat in silence for a minute till I heard the door open. I turn back to see a young guy take a seat on the stool.

"Oh hello! My name is Lou and I'll be giving you your xrays and cleaning your teeth it should be over relatively quick okay?" Lou said and a big bib was placed on me

"What's this for?" I ask

"A big jacket to protect you from radiation" Lou said as he fiddled with something behind me. Then he rolled his stool next to me and had a small bite wing X-ray in his hand. "Open" he says

I open and I feel the thing in my mouth. "Bite down" then I bite down then the camera was positioned next to my face and soon after I heard a buzzing noise.

Then he took a few more xrays in different positions then the jacket was taken off and I was reclined back. "I'm just going to clean your teeth basically" he says and now grabs his mirror and explorer after putting his gloves mask and positioned the light.

"Open wide" He says

I open and he starts examining my teeth and scraped some plaque off a few. "Pretty good but I do see a small cavity and it looks like your wisdom teeth are coming in so I'll be extra careful while cleaning them" Louis said

He grabs the electric toothbrush and dabs it in toothpaste and starts polishing my teeth very gently. It felt weird it kind of tickled. After he was done he flossed then the chair was put back to its normal state.

"Okay, nice seeing you, your mom and the doctor will be here shortly" he said now leaving the room.

A few minutes later my mom and Mason walk back in the room. "So I reviewed your xrays and it seems like you have a small cavity, and your wisdom teeth are coming in" mason says showing me the xrays and pointing to the small hole and the wisdom teeth.

"So when will this be done" mom asks

"Well I can get you in Friday for the cavity and the surgery consult then we can schedule the surgery" Mason explained

"That's fine she will be here" mom said

I roll my eyes.

The next week will be eventful for poor 'ol me

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