Ch 26-brace for the worst

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Dad calls me downstairs and I don't think it's good because he yelled at me to come downstairs.

I come downstairs slowly and walk in the kitchen where he was waiting.
"So what happened at school today?"

"Nothing per usual" I say and takes a seat at the island bar stools.

"I got a call from the school" he says sternly

I gulp I was in trouble.

"I can explain" I say quietly and swallowing hard as I don't like when dad yells at me

"The school explained what you did" dad said

"I was defending myself!" I say

"I understand, but your suspended for 3 days " dad said

"Are you mad at me?" I say

"No but there is consequences for your actions" dad said

Ooh that made me nervous.

"What kind of consequences" I say

"Give me your phone" he says

"But dad-" I say

"No buts give your phone NOW" he says setting a bit more angrier

I give my phone to him then roll my eyes
Then went upstairs.

I hear my dad sigh. I went upstairs and slam my door shut. I was only defending myself and I'm not a violent person!
I flop on my bed face down and sob to myself. I never get in trouble.

Later on dad called me down for dinner and I came down he has prepared some fish, and some steamed vegetables we didn't talk a lot during dinner I just wanted to go back to my room and cry to myself I knew dad was disappointed in me.

"Xavier, you defended yourself but you didn't have to hurt him" dad says

"Why not he was a total dickhead and needed to learn a lesson" I say

"There are nonviolent ways to solve issues like that" dad explained

"Yea I know but it was an accident" I say

"I understand but your still grounded" dad says

"You didn't give a time frame how long am I going without my phone?" I say

"As long as your suspension and as long as you are on your best behavior, you will have it back in 3 days" dad says

I sigh and roll my eyes and finish my dinner and put my first plate in the sink and rinse it off.
I go upstairs and brush and floss my teeth or else I would get yelled at and be grounded for longer, dad was just in a bad mood since the incident at school.

I am a good kid but anger gets in my way when people piss me off. I need to learn how to control my anger.

The next 3 days went by pretty slow I just sat in my bedroom all day came downstairs for meals then went back upstairs and of course brushed and flossed when I needed to. I hope it is gonna be a while till I go back to dads office.
I am not in the mood to have any checkups or anything. I miss talking to Skylar and she's an awesome girl I can't wait to see her tomorrow

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