Chapter 12- cotton candy mishap

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*a week later*

Ok... my tooth has been hurting since yesterday and I haven't told my dad. I think it was that cotton candy I should've known better. Dad was right about cotton candy being pure sugar!

I was just waking up for the day and I hear dad calling me from the downstairs.

I slowly got out of bed and went downstairs.

"What is it dad?" I ask

Dad was eating an banana. "Well... you have been acting strange since yesterday is anything bothering you"

"No nothing is wrong Dad I'm just gonna make some tea" I say now minding my own business

I got the kettle out from the cabinet and filled it with water and put it on the stove and turned the stove on.. now to wait for the whistle

"Are you sure?" Dad asks

"Yes I'm sure" I say

5 minutes later the kettle whistles and I make some chamomile tea one of my favorites.

I put the tea bag in the cup and add the hot water.

"Chamomile tea has wonderful properties you know for aches pains , toothaches" dad said now acting like he knows every thing which he does.

I was sipping my tea when he mentioned a toothache and made me choke on my tea and cough.
"You okay Xavier" my dad says he is clearly starting to get worried

"Dad I'm fine do you need to get to work?" I ask him. I didn't want to deal with him especially with this toothache.

"Oh yes I do. But I know something is wrong" Dad says as he gets his shoes on, grabs his keys, and his travel mug and leaves for work.

I sighed in relief. I finished up my tea. It did help smooth my toothache.

I went up to my room grabbed clothes and headed for the shower. I took a nice hot shower. I changed into a fortnite shirt and jean shorts.

I got on my computer and did my schoolwork then played some Minecraft.
"STUPID CREEPER!" I yelled after a creeper blew me up.

I hear the door open downstairs. Dad is home yay I'm not ready to deal with his dentist bullshit.

"XAVIER" my dad yells from the downstairs

"Coming" I yell back

I head downstairs to see my dad sitting on the couch in the den.

"What is it?" I ask as I approach him and sit on the other couch

"Well... I know something is bothering you bud I wanna know what's bothering I don't want you to be in any pain" dad explains

"I'm feeling fine dad" I say clearly lying

"I know your lying" dad says coldly

"I don't wanna tell you because you'll get mad" I say

"No I won't" dad asks

"Fine then after since I had that cotton candy, which was amazing by the way, I had a toothache there I said it are you happy?" I explain them put my face in my hands knowing dad won't be happy at all

"Well I'm not that happy you have a toothache, but I'm glad you told me" dad says

"Why's that?" I say quietly lifting my head up

"Well I'm a Dentist! I can fix it for you duh" dad says

"Of course" I mumble as I got up.

"Xavier.." dad says

"Hmm" I say and turn around to face my dad

"I enrolled you in public school, I don't like the curriculum is for home school" dad says

My eyes widened

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