Ch 25- Standing up

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(A/n) he all I'm so sorry for not being updating this book a lot. I am running out of ideas for this book, I am thinking of Xavier making new friends that need Masons help.


I wake up for school do my normal routine and of course brushing and flossing my teeth. Because you know dad is a dentist, sometimes it makes me really annoyed about how he always scolds at me for eating sweets and stuff like that
I grew up on sweets man it is so hard too

I go downstairs and saw a note saying he has gone to work and has packed a lunch for me which was in the fridge.

He had most likely packed me the healthiest foods ever. I prefer junk over healthy foods.
I grab my lunch out of the fridge and I open to see what was inside.
It was a turkey wrap, with a a side of carrots and cucumbers with low fat ranch dressing, then a small bottle of water.

I put my lunch bag in my bag. Then got my shoes on and out on my jacket then I lock the house and start my walk to school.

I get to school and get to my locker I drop my bag off and get my stuff for first class. Then I head up to first class and casually take my seat then open my sketch book. I started sketching a small comic about my first trip to the dentist. I was proud of it. My fear is still here but it's getting better. Then the bell rings and first class was complete and I go to some other classes after and lunch by the end of the day I was exhausted. I just wanted to go home. I go out of the school gates and saw the dark clouds coming in. Then all of a sudden I was pushed to the ground and on my face. Then there was my bully Josh.
"Your such a stupid loser" he calls
I groan and stand up.
"I'm not scared of you!" I say actually having confidence for once

"Wanna bet?" He sneers and comes closer
I stand my ground and as he throws his fist at my face I was able to grab it and twist it making him wince and pain and fall down

I tower over him "your a loser"
He looks at me he looks petrified of me.
"Your gonna regret that" he mumbles
Then I kick him in the jaw not caring then I start walking home.
I am not a violent person. I just don't like people and when they get in my way and push me to the ground I stand right back up and get them back.
Is that the right thing to do? I thought to myself
I finally get to my house and unlock the door and saw mason sitting at the breakfast bar and sipping some tea.
"You are already home?" I say
"Had a short day" he said then gets up and puts the empty cup in the sink.
I sigh. "Well I got homework to do"
Then I go upstairs and start on my homework

5 minutes later yells can be coming from downstairs for me to come down.

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