You're No Good For Me

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Song: I fell in love with the devil by Avril Lavigne

The moment I'm outside the tears come. The fresh air smacks me right in the face and it feels good bringing me to life. I cry all the way to my car; why do I let him get to me like this. Shit I actually quit my job, holy hell what am I going to do now to pay my bills. I stood up to him and it felt so good. I stood up to him. I bet no one ever talks to him like that and gets by with it. I was shocked that he let me leave, he didn't stop me, he didn't lay a finger on me.

 I replay his words in my head and then those last words he thought I didn't hear, 'but I love you.'

Oh crap! I close my eyes and lean back on the head rest of my seat. He loves me. Wait...what...he loves me. Of course he does, he gave me a well paying job. He took care of my tuition. He bought me dozens and I mean dozens of roses. He watched after me to make sure that I was taken care of. He was going to pay a guy thousands of dollars just to get me back. He paid off Raine to leave so he would stop hurting me and then, he even killed for me. Oh...My...God! He is so in love with me. But why?

 And I just left it all behind. What if he is the one for me? I will never know now because I let the other stuff get in the way. However this is my life right? He has no right to tell me what to do? He has no right to interfere with my life?

Shit why do I care. Why do I care about what he thinks of me, not unless...unless I have feelings for him too. Am I falling in love with him, am I? No...there is no way, not possible, no way in hell, he is cruel and evil like the devil himself. He will do anything to get what he wants, I try to block out all thoughts of him.

On Monday morning I get up and go to school, afterward I start job hunting and this time I do my research because I don't want him to have any part of where I work. I don't want to have to see him; it's just better this way. I apply at a few locations; the good thing is that I have an education in culinary arts so that helps out tremendously. I graduate in less than three months and having that degree will also help me succeed.

By the end of the week I get a phone call for the French Cuisine place. I get dressed up for my interview and arrive fifteen minutes early to show the owner that I am prepared to arrive early all the time. One of Mr. Moretti's rules kind of grown on me.

I walk in and I'm greeted by the host, a male, tall and slender. "May I help you?"

"Yes, I have an interview at four o'clock. My name is Katana Harlow."

He looks down at his tablet. "Ahh! are early, Mr. De La Fontaine will be happy about that, at least you're early and not late like most applicants. Can I get you anything to drink while you wait?"

" I believe I will be fine, thanks for asking."

"Well you can have a seat, he will be out shortly." I wait for fifteen minutes and actually he is late calling me back.

The host comes over to me. "He will see you now, please follow me."

I get up and walk behind him towards the back corner. We are meeting at one of the tables. He stands up to greet me. "Good afternoon, sorry for keeping you waiting."

 He shakes my hand and gestures for me to sit down across from him. "Please have a seat." He looks over my application and smiles. "Says here you were working for Vincent Moretti."

I nod. "Yes." Why lie about it, he can see who I worked for. "It was a great experience."

"Then why quit?"

"Honestly I just needed a change." I lie because really I just need to get away from him. When he is around me I feel trapped as if under some kind of spell. He has this way about him and I know if I had stayed he would find away to get me to be with him and I'm not ready for that.

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