Epilogue- Our Little Family

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Song: Next to you by Jai Waetford

Everyone was excited about the new addition to the family. When it got closer to time to have the baby, I guess I was even a little excited. We decided not to find out the gender so we would be excited the day it comes. Vincent hired someone to decorate the room and get everything ready. His mom and Marcie planned a big baby shower and needless to say we have everything and I mean everything.

If I gain any more weight so help me. I stand in front of the full size mirror naked in our bathroom. The skin stretches across my stomach as if it's about to pop. I feel arms come around me and hold me close. Soft lips kiss behind my neck around my hair line, shoulder and then next to my ear.

"God you are beautiful."

"You call this beautiful." I grab his hands that are holding my baby bump.

"I do; look at you." He stares at me through the mirror.

I look at myself back in the mirror and then reach to grab the robe off of the hook behind the mirror. I put it on and tie it securely around me. I roll my eyes at him.

"I saw that."

"Did you now." I roll them again, teasing him. "What you going to do about it?"

He smacks my bottom and picks me up, carrying me like a baby.

"Put me down Vincent. Put me down you are going to make me pee all over you."

Then suddenly a gush flows out of me. I bend over holding on to my side. There is a sharp pain...contractions.

"You okay," he says really worried. I shake my head no.

 I breathe in and out and another sharp pain comes.

"You are not due for another month. This is too soon, right?" He suddenly looks worried.

I nod, "Well it looks like it's happening, just get me to the hospital."

He has Trevor take us there and they admit me as soon as I walk in. Several nurses come in to set me up and check everything out, and then the doctor comes in.

"Good afternoon, Mr. and Mrs. Moretti...I see your little bundle of joy is ready to make its way into the world."

"It's too soon, is everything alright."

"It's a little early. I would like to stop the contractions if possible. Let me check you out to see what is going on."

However, the contractions keep going and even though the doctor didn't want me to have the baby right now it comes anyway.

"Just one more push baby...one more you got this." Vincent keeps coaching me.

A part of me wants to cuss him out...hell even hitting the shit out of him at the moment sounds just as good. I scream one more time feeling my body being ripped into. I don't care how much drugs they give me, nothing is going to stop the pain that I feel in that last push.

 I hear a soft cry and then lungs screaming out taking over the room. I don't have the energy to look down as I'm trying to catch my breath.

"It's a boy!" The doctor says loud enough for everyone in the room to hear.

They pass the baby over, cleaning him up and then once covered in a blanket they hand him to me.

He is perfect; I look him all over checking out the tiny thing in my arms. He has Vincent skin color, thank goodness. He is so tiny and has a head full of hair. Of course I count all ten little fingers and ten little toes. I was a little shocked when the nurse said that he weighed only four pounds, which means he has to gain a whole pound before they let him go home.

Vincent hasn't taken his tear filled eyes off of him.

 I look up at him and smile. "Do you want to hold him?"

He nods and reaches down to take him from me. "God he is beautiful, just like his mom. He looks like an Oliver...what you think...little Ollie."

"It's perfect...baby...whatever you want." I lay my head back on the pillow with a smile and dose off.

I feel him nudging my arm and he wakes me up. "Babe, I think he is hungry." He is handing Oliver back to me.

"So feed him," I tell him and he gives me this look. "Oh! Sorry, give him to me." I unsnap the gown and then try to get him to latch on. He does in seconds and to be honest it's the weirdest feeling ever.


I never imagined being a mom. I never ever planned on it but to be honest it's the best thing ever. Luckily we got the most perfect baby ever. He sleeps all night and rarely ever cries. And before I can even get to him, Vincent attends to him, changing his diaper or if hungry he will hand him off to me.

I will say he is the perfect father. And the most amazing husband ever. After being released from the hospital, he had his family come and help out along with my dad and Marcie.

It's two in the morning when I wake up and Vincent is not in the bed beside me. I get up and walk into the hallway to see a small light on in Ollie's room. I hear him singing to him in Italian and it makes my heart melt.

 When I enter the room he is in the rocking chair, rocking Ollie back to sleep. He sees me and whispers, "What are you doing up?" He winks at me.

"Looking for you; do you want me to get him?" I ask him.

He shakes his head no, so I lean up against the wall and watch him rock him back and forth. He starts to sing again, his voice softly bringing joy into my heart. He said he would get me the world and so much more and he has; he gave me the perfect little family.

This here, this feeling, this love is all I will ever need and I know I am home. I'm sure we will have our ups and downs and everything else in between raising our family but that is all part of it, the roller coaster ride of life.

 And I'm willing to go the distance, willing to take that leap for him...for our family.


Author's note: Tears....I want to thank all my readers. Thank you so much for reading, voting, and supporting me. Thanks for all the comments. I so hoped you enjoyed the story. I hate to end it. But 60 chapters...wow...never planned on it being that long.

If you loved it...vote...leave those comments and please share with your friends. You guys are amazing.

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