|Chapter 5|

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it's the next morning now. i'm sitting on the edge of my bed, all ready for school. i cant help but let my mind race about jayden. what will happen today? will he make me talk to him? will he hurt me?

*knock knock*

"come in." i say quietly. i look up, watching anthony open my bedroom door and walk in. he comes over and i stand up slowly. he doesn't do anything but wrap his arms around me, embracing me tightly.

"ready for school?" he asks. i nod into his shoulder, and he pulls away. he smiles at me, trying to make me feel a little better. "raegan and i will be here for you today. if you need us, we will be there."

"thank you." i grin a little, as my heart rate speeds up a little inside my chest. i take a deep breath and grab my backpack.

"let's go." he says, and we walk outside. we get into his car and he drives to school, me in the passenger seat..not ready for this day.

anthony and i walk into school together and we walk our lockers. as i open mine and take some stuff out, i glance over to my right to see raegan. he's on the other side of ant but i can see him. he looks at me, and smiles a little. i smile back and close my locker.

"i'm going to first class." i tell them and ant gives me a quick hug. i squeeze his body, feeling relieved when he hugs me.

"text me if you need me." he says, and i nod my head at him. i definitely will. i then around, getting ready to walk the other way but i crash into someone.

i look up and my heart drops when i see jayden standing in front me. he's staring down at me and i back up slowly, keeping eye contact with him. i bump into anthony as i back up. this is just like when he came to ants house and i tried to get away from him.


"no. no i don't want to talk to you." i say and get away from all of them, almost running down the hall the other way. i can't talk to him now. just looking at his face made me shake in my skin.

i get to first period and sit down, taking a deep breath. i don't want to be here. i don't want to be around anyone. can this day please go by fast.

when lunch rolled around, i didn't go. instead, i walked around the hallways, where there were barely any people. there is too much anxiety in this one day.

"justin!" i hear behind me and i recognize the voice. i freeze and slowly turn my head to see jayden walking up to me. i don't move and just watch him come up to me.

"please just leave me alone for now." i say to him, our eyes meeting as he stops right in front of me.

"you can't avoid me forever." he says and i shake my head at him.

"i know, but i don't want to talk to you right now." he gets a little closer every time i speak, meanwhile i'm backing away from him.

"justin, i'm not doing this. you either talk to me or make up your mind." he says demanding, and i sigh. why does he have to do this right now?

"i'm not doing either!" i say louder. "why are you making things to difficult, just be patient with me." i say to him. i'm not yelling, but my voice got higher in volume. he doesn't understand. he put his hands on me and he doesn't even seem to care.

"i'm not waiting a damn week to talk to you about this." he says, not loudly. but i can hear the anger in his voice.

"it's been one day! why can't you just leave me alone?" i feel my throat and eyes burn. i hate fighting, with anyone. i can't do it .

"because i'm your boyfriend. we should be able to talk." his teeth are clenched and his face gets a bit red. i shake my head.

"it's different. you should give me some space." i say turning around, hoping he will let me walk away with my problem.

"it's not!" i hear him almost yell and grab my arm. my breathing speeds up as he gets a good grip on my arm. i try to rip away but my attempt fails.

"stop!" i say loudly, but his grip just gets tighter. he pulls me closer to him and i make eye contact with him. i can see the anger, and a bit of sadness in his eyes.

"we are talking about this weather you like it or not." he pushes me a bit, grasping my arm tightly.

"jayden i'm serious, stop!" i say, my eyes filling with tears.

"talk to me, now-"

"no!" i scream at him, and push my body towards him and in shock, let's go of my arm. "how dare you put your hands on me like that." i say. his eyes widen a bit, but his anger increases.

he pushes me forcefully with his hands, making me jolt back and land on my back on the floor. damn he's strong. my heart speeds up and i start breathing heavy. holy shit.

"get-get away from me." i say, shocked and i feel like the wind got knocked out of me for a second. i sit up, feeling my breath slow down.

"you are going to talk to now or else." he says standing above me. he doesn't even care that he just shoved me to the ground. he doesn't give a single shit.

"no i'm not." i say quietly, scooting away from him. "just leave." it's silent for a moment.

"you are going to talk to me by tonight, or you'll regret it." i hear him say and then footsteps. i look up, shaking a bit from anxiety and fear. tears swell in my eyes as i get up and start running down the hallway.

as i get faster and faster, the tears are rolling down my cheeks like a river. why is he putting his hands on me? why is he acting so mean? he's threatening me, what do i do???

don't kill me plz! i'm here :)
hi everyone ❤️
enjoy your day/night and add me on snap to talk to me @samanthasarno

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