|Chapter 25|

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"please don't be mad." i beg him and he crosses his arms.

"tell me." he says. my heart beat starts beating out of my chest.

"okay." i now realize i need to let this all out. if only it wasn't him. he's going to hate me. literally hate me.

"the first time we kissed, we told you. it was a small kiss. and then you just saw us kissing the last time. i-i'm so sorry." i tell him, trying to avoid the worst part, but he doesn't believe that's it. i can see it in his eyes.

"is that it?" he asks me. i shake my head lightly.

"no." i sigh.

"justin just tell me." he demands and i look away from him. just say it justin. it's bad but i need to say it. my best friend deserves everything. he deserves the truth. even if it sucks for me.

"that night you thought you heard something..i invited raegan over." i say hesitantly. he furrows his eyebrows.

"why at night..?" he asks. dammit.

"i..i wanted him to.." i trail my words off and his eyes widen. he shakes his head at me.

"no. no you wouldn't." he stands up, obviously shocked at what i know he knows.

"i did." i say ashamed and look down at my fingernails.

"you really picked my boyfriend out of all people to be all sexual with. are you really serious?" he says louder and i still don't look at him. he's right. why raegan?

"i wasn't thinking and it was just a hard night." i explain briefly to him.

"that's no excuse." i hear him swallow and i look up. he has tears in his eyes but i can tell he's angry. angry and hurt, by me. his best friend.

"i've never felt so sorry in my entire life ant. i didn't mean to hurt you." i say and look up at him. he doesn't do or say anything.

"can you leave for a little?" he asks and i feel my heart break.

"what do you mean?"

"i mean i want you to go. i don't want to see you for a few days. i want my real best friend in my house. not this person." he explains and walks past me. i stand up and watch him stomp up the stairs. i feel myself shaking. that did not just happen.

i now realize i only have one other person in my life. can i stay at raegan's? should i stay at raegan's? no but i have no other choice.

i feel myself start at cry a bit as i rush out of the house and sit in the driveway. i wipe my face, pulling out my phone and texting raegan to come pick me up. he tells me he'll be over in five. i sit there, wishing i was still in that house. wishing i was laying on the couch watching movies with my best friend. i fucked up, but i didn't expect him to kick me out for a few days.

as raegan's car pulls into the driveway a few feet away from me, i stand up and get into the passenger seat of the car. he looks at me with sympathy in his eyes.

"please drive. i'll tell you everything soon." i say and he nods, reversing the car and backing out of the driveway. he starts driving to his house.

"so it didn't go good?" he asks me quietly in the silent car. you can only hear the engine of the car roaring as we drive.

"no." i mumble. "he didn't say much, but he kicked me out-"

"woah what?!"

"let me finish." i breathe. "he told i wasn't being the best friend he's known forever. and he said he didn't want me there for a little while." i tell him as we arrive at his house. that went faster than usual.

"what about his mom? she's in charge of you, really." he points out. i shrug.

"i'm sure he'll make up an excuse. he doesn't like to tell his mom about bad stuff." i say.

"let's go inside." he says and i follow behind him.

"raegan?" i hear a female voice come from the kitchen. a older women comes out and smiles at us. it must be his mother.

"mom, this is justin. justin, this is my mom." raegan introduces us and we shake hands.

"it's great to meet you justin." she says and keeps smiling. she must be confused why my face is all red.

"it's great to meet you also mrs. beast." i politely say to her.

"oh please call me carly." she tells me and i nod. raegan grabs my hand slightly.

"we will be upstairs." rae says to his mom.

"okay. i'm going to the store any minute so have fun." she says as we walk up the stairs. raegan takes me into his room and shuts the door behind us.

"are you okay?" he asks coming closer to me. i shake my head at him. he pouts and sits on the edge of his bed. i do the same, sitting next to him.

"i cant believe he kicked you out for a little while." he breaks the silence and i nod, agreeing. i never thought he'd do that either. i can feel his eyes burning through my skin.

"so, did you uh...did you want to stay here until this blows over?" he asks me and i'm not sure if it'll just blow over but i ignore it.

"c-can i?" i ask. "i don't wanna make any trouble but i-i have no where else to go and-"

"hey hey." he grabs my face with his soft hands and runs his thumb over my cheek. i must have started crying without even knowing. i cant believe this is happening. "of course you can stay here."

"thank you." i say to him and quickly wrap my arms around his neck. he returns by wrapping his around my torso. i love his hugs.

"tell me what happened?" he asks as a question. i nod my head and prepare to tell him the short but horrible story.

kinda boring chapter but next one will get good :) yay
i'm thinking of, after this book writing another love story but with things that people actually read on this app. do you guys think i'll get a lot of reads!
am i a good writer?
comment and vote hehe

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