|Chapter 31|

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ant and i stayed at raegans for that day. we watched movies, ate, and talked a lot! i'm really hoping anthony won't mind me dating raegan. i really want him. i've never felt this way about anyone.

"jayden was a horrible kisser." ant says which makes me start laughing. i guess he kind of was. i mean compared to raegan.

"oh my god, he was." i say and they both look at me and start to laugh also. i haven't had this much fun wit the two most important people in my life in a while. i missed it.

"i missed you bestie." ant smiles and hugs me. i hug back, smiling as wide as ever.

"i missed you more." i reply. we pull away and he turns to raegan.

"i guess i missed you too." he says jokingly and raegan smiles.

"yeah i guess i did." he says back, staying on ant's level.

"i'm going to go get a drink." i say and stand up, walking to the kitchen. i open the refrigerator and take out a water. i close it and jump, seeing raegan on the other side. "holy crap." i put my hand over my heart.

"did i scare you?" he asks coming closer to me. i nod.

"yeah." i giggle at him and once he gets close enough, i wrap my arms around his neck.

"you think ant will be okay with us dating?" he asks and my heart skips a beat. he wants to actually date me.

"maybe. he may be more comfortable now and i hope he's over you." i say and rae nods at me.

"good, because i really want you." he says, leaning in to kiss me smoothly. i swear it really does get better every time his lips touch mine.

i hear a slight cough and i assume raegan hears it too  when we both pull away and turn to the entrance of the kitchen. ant stands there, and shrugs a bit.

"glad you found your drink." he rubs the back of his neck awkwardly and looks down. i move away from raegan and go closer to ant.

"ant?" i ask. "you know i'm already selfish friend. but you love me anyway. so i'm asking you this as your best friend..can i date raegan?" once those last four words leave my mouth, he looks up. he looks past me and i see him looking at rae. he takes a deep breath and looks back at me.

"yes." he nods slightly. "i just want you to be happy." he says and i feel my heart start to race. i smile big and jump onto anthony, wrapping my arms around him.

"thank you, i love you!" i say to him and he hugs back just as equally as me. i can't believe i have such an amazing best friend.

"raegan you better treat him like a fucking prince." he says and i laugh, looking at rae.

"i definitely will. just for you." he smiles and i go back over to rae. he gives me that little smirk of his and grabs my hand, kissing my knuckles like i'm a prince.

"haha, so funny. i'm serious." ant points at us and goes back over to the sitting room. i stand on my toes to peck raegans lips and his face turns pink, along with mine.

"you're not my boyfriend yet. i need a special time to ask you. not in a kitchen." he says to me.

"fine but you better hurry." i say back and he nods, understanding.

"yes sir." he brings me back to the sitting room and we sit down with ant. he puts on a movie and we watch. i think we are all happy to be together right now.

i'm sitting in the middle the both of them. during the movie, i move closer to raegan, digging my head in his neck. i leave small slow kisses all around his neck and i feel his arm wrap around my body, and his hand rest near my butt. he leans his head back and i slightly bite on his neck, probably leaving a mark.

i hear footsteps and then a door close and i lift my head to see ant is gone. he went into the bathroom.

"shit." i drop my head on raegans shoulder and he runs his fingers through my hair gently and kisses my forehead.

"it's okay." he whispers to me. i shouldn't have done that while he was here. especially right next to us.

"i feel like i'm going too far now just because he said it's okay." i tell him and he shakes his head.

"no no." he says gently to me. "he's just not used to it. i don't think he will be for a while." he tells me truthfully and i nod.

"you're right." i say and stay sitting next to him, our sides touching.

a few minutes later, ant comes out of the bathroom and sits back on the couch. i smile at him and we continue watching the television. i don't kiss or do anything with rae for the rest of the time. anthony seemed to be better that i did that. thank god. i hate seeing him upset.

once it got late, ant and i were about to leave. until rae pulled my hips towards him and brought his face close to my ear. "do you want to sleep over?" he asks me.

"i'm going to stay with ant tonight. it's been a while." i answer his question and he smiles, understanding.

"okay." he whispers.

"bye rae." ant says hugging ear lightly. i give him another hug as well and we leave together.

once we get to the house and go inside, i give ant another big hug. it's been too long.

"you're the best best friend ever." i say laughing a bit.

"i try." he laughs back with me. "you are too." he nods and i cant help but smile. i have the best people in my life for sure.

i have school tmr and i am not feeling it AT ALL. anyone wanna help a girl out? lmao i have to make up so many tests.
anyway, i hope you enjoyed. comment  and vote :)

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