|Chapter 19|

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⚠️ this chapter is going to be sexual so here's a warning now ⚠️

the last few days of school were boring as hell. nothing but sitting in each class, being on my phone or talking to friends. finally, summer is here.

the last day of school, which was today, is a friday. i've just gotten home with ant and we both went up to our rooms. everything has been calm for a few days. raegan and i would talk occasionally but he hasn't brought up what he said about five days ago after he kissed me.

a few hours pass, and my mind is all over the place. it's dark now, and i feel uncomfortable. not just uncomfortable with the way i'm laying. i'm uncomfortable in a different way. i feel, almost wet..down there and it's not fun. i'm not even thinking about anything really.

i'm trying to think of what to do. i have an idea but is it a good idea? absolutely not. but he's all that comes to mind.

i pick up my phone and go to raegan's contact, clicking call. it rings for a few seconds and then,

"hey justin."

"hi rae, um are you doing anything?" i ask him and there's a pause.

"no, just laying down. are you okay?" he asks quietly and i'm silent for a moment. should i do this?

"yeah, i just- can you come over?" i ask and my heart starts beating. shit i'm nervous.

"why now?" his voice sounds so raspy and deep right now, what the hell!

"just, please?" i ask, moving a bit in my bed. now i'm more uncomfortable.

"okay, ill be there in five." he says and hangs up.

i walk out of my room and slowly go to anthony's door. i open it slightly to see he's passed out already. i close the door and quietly go back into my room.

just for the hell of it, i lay back down and try to get comfortable again. i can't. i can't stop thinking about raegan doing.. bad stuff to me. i shouldn't be thinking this, but i am.

after a few more minutes to being uncomfortable in my own bed, i see my bedroom door open. raegan walks in and looks at me, closing the door behind him. he walks over to me and sits at the edge of my bed.

"hey you alright?" he asks me gently and i just lay on my back, too embarrassed to say what i really want to say. will he even do anything with me?

"i'm just really uncomfortable." i say and i notice him staring at me. that doesn't help.

"how can i help?" he asks me. i don't know why this is happening. i feel soaked.

"i need something, anything." i reply, and i can feel my face getting more red by the second.

"like..you mean..?" he trails off, but i get the hint.

"yes." i gulp, feeling very nervous for what's about to happen tonight.

"is ant asleep?" he asks me. i nod my head. i scoot over a little and make room for him on my bed. he puts his hands right over my..private area. i whimper and he looks at my face.

i don't want to do anything first. i want him in control. i don't want to embarrass myself by doing something that goes too far. but i need something. i don't so much want it, i need it!

"tell me what you want me to do." he says. he slowly climbs forward so he's on top of me, but his arms are keeping him up. his face is right in front of mine, while his whole body is hovering me. i swallow a lump in my throat.

"anything." i tell him. and i'm serious.

"are you giving me permission to do whatever i want to you?" as the words leave his mouth, my eyes open wide a bit. i quickly nod, having the feeling inside grow more for him. just for him.

he smirks a bit, and leans down to plant a hard kiss on my lips. i kiss back, only to feel him pull away quickly. his hands go to the bottom of my shirt and i let him pull it off. he sits up a bit and i watch as he removes his shirt also.

he tugs at my sweatpants and i nod at him to pull them off. he does and then just stares.

"you're soaked." his voice says very low and lustful. i cover my face with my hands, being so embarrassed in front of him right now.

"i know just- please do something." i tell him and stare up at the ceiling, putting my hands beside my body. i see him smirk and then he swiftly pulls down my boxers, leaving me exposed.

"justin, relax." he says quietly and i nod. he inserts a finger into me. i jump up a bit, squeezing my eyes shut. i feel him put another one in and my back arches a bit.

"r-raegan." i barely get out, feeling him thrust a third finger into me and keep going.

"am i hurting you?" he asks. i moan quietly and i think that already answered his question.

"no. no please keep going." i say to him and he listens, continuing. it's so quiet in here, you can only hear the sound of my moans every once and a while and my heavy breathing.

he looks at me, and our eyes meet so easily. my mouth hangs open, only to have him staring at my lips. my body thrusts smoothly with his fingers and my eyes automatically shut closed again. seconds later, i feel lips on mine. i kiss back, knowing i'm close.

"go ahead." he whispers against my lips which sends vibrations everywhere. i kiss him again and release, moaning against his lips.

of course, he licks his fingers right in front of my face to make me even more embarrassed. and it worked. i take a breath, feeling a lot better than before. i lean up and maneuver my body so we switch places.

i sit on his waist and pin his arms to the bed. i stare at him, seeing his beautiful face in the dim light. i lean back and kiss him, biting his lip right away. my arms become weak and he sits up, so now i'm sitting on his lap.

i continue to kiss him for the sake of me. i feel so selfish, but he already did..that so what's a little more? what else can i do? i feel so much for him. i really do.

ive never kissed jayden so hard. i've never kissed anyone this hard. this moment is something that i feel so bad about but at the same time, so good. my fingers grab a chunk of his hair as his hands land on my butt, resting there.

*knock knock*

we both pull away in panic, and i'm breathing very heavily. him, not so bad.

"justin, you up? i heard some noise." i hear outside the door and raegan puts his hand over my mouth. we lock eyes with each other and stay as quiet as possible.

after maybe a minute, rae removes his hand slowly from my mouth. we are still looking at each other. i can really look at him for hours at a time.

"i should go." he whispers. i groan, moving away from his lap and laying down on my bed.

"okay." i nod, and he stands up. he gives me a quick smile and puts his shirt back on. he walks to the door, opening it.

"see you soon." he again, whispers and i nod my head, as he shuts the door. i get under my blanket and my body relaxes. easily.

stuff will get more intense soon. i don't think this book is going to be very long but i'll try to put as much detail and fun in each chapter.
hope you enjoyed.
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