|Chapter 21|

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"are you not hungry?" ant asks me as we sit at the table the next day for lunch. we both slept through breakfast. i shake my head lightly.

"not really." i push my plate away and he looks at it.

"you barely ate breakfast either. what's wrong justin?" he asks me seriously, not bothering to do anything with my plate.

"nothing i'm just, not hungry." i say to him and he doesn't take his eyes off of me. 

"i'm serious." he says and i shrug my shoulders.

"me too." i say. he sighs and takes my plate, throwing out my food. he then stands against the counter and i can feel him staring into my soul. he knows when i'm lying.

"fine. don't tell me." he snaps and walks out of the kitchen, leaving me alone. i keep my head down, ashamed of myself. i'm taking something that anthony loves. raegan.

"i'm going to raegan's. see you later." i get up from the table and go into the dining room where the front door it. he walks out, not waiting for me to say or do anything. he shuts the door and i'm left there, alone.

i go over to the couch and turn on the tv. i put on a movie for me to watch because there's nothing else for me to do.

maybe ten minutes later there's a knock at the door. i groan, standing up and walking to the front door. there stands none other than raegan.

"what are you doing here?" i ask, turning around and going back to sit on the couch. he doesn't say anything and walks in, not shutting the door behind him. he walks over to me.

"you cannot push me away." he says blankly and i look at him like he literally has two heads.

"we are friends raegan. you are dating my best friend. we've never been more than friends and it's not like we are dating. so please tell me-" i stop and cross my arms. "how am i possibly pushing you away?"

"you-" he stops and takes a breath. "first we kiss and then you ask me come over one night begging to get fucked-"

"begging?!" i shout at him. "you know that's not how it was." i argue with him. he shakes his head.

"thats exactly how it was. you force yourself on me and act like you are in love with me and i feel for it. and now you have the nerve to tell me i can't tell you to not push me away?" his tone gets louder as he speaks, and we are both full with anger now.

"that was one time! i did not force myself on you! we aren't a thing raegan. i can't take you away from my best friend. and what do you mean you fell for it? fell for what..?" i ask him, not raising my voice like he did.

"you were all over me the other night. i thought you felt the same..." he says. i shake my head and bite my tongue, trying not to freak out at him right now. i need to control myself.

"oh excuse me mr. 'are you giving me permission to do whatever i want to you?" i say all dramatic standing up. he stares at me, running his tongue along his top teeth behind his lips. this is what i need to do, piss him off. that'll teach him something.

"and you gave me permission." he slightly smirks. "you're probably sad i didn't get to fucking you." my mouth hangs open at what he just said at me. i can feel the smoke coming out of my ears.

"i never wanted to you to fuck me raegan!" i yell, stepping closer to him. "i never forced myself on you, i never begged for you to do anything to me. that was both of us! i can't do this. i can't love you-"

he cuts me off by grabbing the back of my neck and smashing his lips into mine. i bring my hands up to his neck and face as we move our lips together in sync. the kiss is so hard and lustful. how did we get to this? we were just screaming at each other.

"guys..?" i hear along with the screen door of the house opening. we abruptly pull away and lose eye contact quickly. we both turn to see anthony standing there, as we both breathe kind of heavily.
no no no!

"no. no ant-"

"what justin?" he interrupts me, wiping his face immediately. "so this is why you've been acting weird? not eating, not telling something. this was it huh?"

"please anthony let me explain." i beg, walking closer to him. he shakes his head, and my heart physically breaks and he almost starts crying in front of me.

"how could you? i let it slide the first time, but now i come to see you two making out in my living room?" he looks past me to raegan, and i can see he has almost no words.

"i didn't want it to turn out like this, i just-"

"just what rae?" my eyes widen and him interrupting raegan this time. "i loved you. what did i do to deserve this?"

"i'm so sorry. i never meant to hurt you." i hear behind me, slowly getting closer. he tries to get close to ant but he runs upstairs. and his door slams.

raegan turns to me and we look at each other loosely. i shake my head, knowing our emotions got the best of us again.

"still don't want me to push you away?" i ask very quietly and he doesn't say anything for a moment.

"you think that's what's best don't you?" he asks me and i just nod. "of course you do."

he then leaves the house, and i watch him walk to his car. fuck. ant will never forgive me. i've done things with his boyfriend. this is the second times he knows i've kissed him. i shouldn't expect anything from him now.

i wrote this so fast but i think it's rlly good 😂
i go back to school in about a week and a half. when do you guys go back?
you ever feel like you couldn't be anymore in love with someone? yeah me too :/ imy..

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