|Chapter 14|

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school rolled around the next morning and i felt miserable. jayden wasn't talking to me. anthony wasn't talking to raegan or i. and raegan and i are not talking obviously because of what he said yesterday.

i have no one else. i don't talk to a lot of people. it's all a mess. everything is a mess and i don't know how to fix it.

as i opened my locker and take my books out, i look to my left and see raegan down the hall. he's talking with some friends. i squint, seeing he's with some boys i don't know. he looks around and our eyes meet. he keeps a straight face and then looks away. i look away also. come on justin focus. hes not your first priority right now.

i slam my locker, walking the opposite way to my class. as i get there, i go and sit down. i pull out my book and get ready for class to start. this day cannot go by slower.

now it's the period after lunch and i'm walking with a crowd of kids in the hallway. i'm almost there when i start to hear yelling behind me and the sound of lockers. everyone starts running towards the sound and i just roll my eyes.

"come on rae, fight back!" my eyes widen as i hear someone shout that. i run over and squeeze through people, seeing jayden having raegan pinned against the lockers.

"jayden stop it!" i shout at him and pull at his shirt. he ignores me, holding rae by the collar of his shirt.

"who the hell do you think you are, kissing my boyfriend when you have your own!" jayden says loudly in raegan's face. he doesn't seem to take it.

rae pushes jayden off of him and he falls on his ass. raegan towers over him but i get in front of him, pushing him back. he makes eye contact with me and his face immediately softens. all the loud screaming around us makes my head hurt.

"stop. he's not worth it." i say to him and he nods, backing away as far from jayden as he can.

i turn around and see jayden has already stood up, death staring raegan. i stand close to him and look up, but he doesn't even look at me. he didn't look at me like raegan did.

"what is going on?! everyone get to class!" we hear an adult yell and everyone scatters, quickly walking away. except for jayden, raegan, and me.

"is there a problem here?" the teacher asks and i shake my head.

"no we are fine." i speak quietly.

"alright, get to class you three." once he walks away, i let out a breath and calm down.

"did you start this?" i ask jayden and he finally looks at me.

"of course i did. did you think i was going to let him get away with kissing my boyfriend?!" he sort of shouts and me and i want to throw my arms in frustration but instead i let all my frustration come out of my mouth.

"he didn't kiss me. we kissed each other. there is a difference jayden! it wasn't just him and it wasn't just me. it was both of us." i say back to him and he doesn't say anything. he just walks away down the hall, stomping his feet.

"i'm sorry rae, when he gets mad he doesn't-"

"you have nothing to be sorry for justin. and i know how he can get." he shrugs and picks up his backpack, throwing it over his shoulder.

"i'll make sure he doesn't touch you again." i say to him and his eyes meet mine again. our eyes meet so easily.

"don't worry about it." he says and starts to walk away. "see you around."

"okay." i say back and sigh, walking the opposite way of him to my class. i don't want to stay away from him. i want to just hug him. he's all i have right now.

the end of the day, i walked to jayden's locker. i saw him throwing all of his books and stuff in his locker. when he sees me, he slams his locker and turns to me.


"stop." he interrupts me, shaking his head. "i know why you're here. raegan would have deserved everything that came to him. he's a player and an asshole." the words leave his mouth in a way like he doesn't care. i let a breath escape my nose and cross my arms.

"do you not understand jayden?! we both kissed each other, if was my fault just as much as it was his fault." i explain to him. "i just want to forget everyone. i miss you. i miss everything. it was an honest mistake and i'm sorry." i say honestly to him.

he stares at me, looking around and pretty much anywhere but me. he shakes his head once again, walking away from me. i just watch him, hoping i didn't lose one of the most important people in my life.

"ready to go home?" i hear behind me. i turn around and see ant. he has a straight face and i know he doesn't want to talk, it's just that he always takes me home.

"yeah." i nod and he starts walking, i follow behind. once we get to his car we both get in, and i glance at him. "have you talked to raegan?" i ask.

"no." he says, starting his car. "i don't want to." he adds and starts driving home.

when he pulls in the driveway, he went to get out but i grab his shoulder lightly.

"please, forgive raegan if you can. he loves you. he loves you as much i love you." i tell him and he just looks at me, his face soft.

"he already told me to do the same for you." he says and i smile a little, knowing raegan really cares about our friendship.

"well, please." i say again and he nods.

"i'll try." he says and gets out, walking in the house. i sit in the car for a second, taking a breather.

hey everyone how is everyone doing?
i hope you enjoyed thisss hehe

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